Well, since I sort of raised the question.. Can a repro complete a collection? My answer is NO unless it’s a collection of reproductions! In the past I have used fakes to fill holes, but I don’t anymore, there is something about that hole is the display that drives me to find the “real article” plus the money spent on the fake is just that much less I have to spend on the real thing. Will I ever get a first pattern Naval Observer wing? Probably not, but I have things in my collection that I never would have believed, it’s just a matter of patience, so you never know! (Anyone have one by the way 🙂 )
I am in favor of a law requiring all reproductions be stamped with a date of manufacture. I too know a few dealers, one is a very good friend of mine, who make a decent living producing nice repros, and there certainly is a place for them (living history folks, pulling together a memory plaque, fishing lures/sinkers..) . BUT I think that they should be marked indelibly. Show promoters are just that, they are out there to make a living, and not be the morality police, but as collectors we can just refuse to buy from the those sellers who sell unmarked high quality fakes, because that’s what will stop them, hitting them in the pocket book.
I also agree that the area of 3rd Reich medals and badges is a wasteland, and frankly I think that anyone trying to get started in collecting that stuff today is, well nuts. But its not just the Nazi stuff, I collect US wings and that field is really bad too, I even hear that Brit Cap badges are getting faked so badly in England that the collectors are coming to US eBay and other US venues to find authentic stuff!
As to the question of “does pulling period insignia back on a period uniform make it a repro” , I guess I don’t have as much don’t a problem with that , I would say no, but I’m sure that many will disagree!
Some great discussions lately BTW!