07-29-2021 10:27 AM
i tires to list a vintage U.S. M6 Bayonet and Ebay said it violated policy and would not allow it to list. BUT, there are currently many listings posted with US bayonets in the title including some M6 ones. Also there are over 80 sold items with similar wording. Why am I prevented from listing?????
07-29-2021 10:34 AM
because some other are listed it may be a restricted item;
You are the one who is to know by reading the rules and regulations on such...
If it is not a restricted item you still can be blocked by certain key words....
08-01-2021 11:17 AM
It is probably more a result of the fact that the M-6 was made for the M-14 Rifle, which was fully automatic. Ebay has been restricting sales on any parts for fully automatic or the more nebulous "assault" weapons. It's often random and silly what gets taken down and what doesn't, especially considering that an M-6 bayonet isn't functionally any different than any of the thousands of bayonets sold here every year. But then, common sense has never been the "Ebay Way".
Another possibility is you ALWAYS need to switch off overseas sales on bayonets as this will also get them taken down. Many countries don't allow the importation of bayonets, even antique ones.