08-26-2018 05:28 PM
While doing some genealogy research I stumbled across my Great-Uncles WWI dog tag on a site called Worthpoint. It identified it as sold on Ebay. I reached out to someone and they checked Worthpoint and Terapeak and were able to tell me it was sold on 2/22/18 for $17.50 with 4 bids. Unfortunately no buyer or seller information was available. And since it is past 90 days old I am unable to find it on the sold/completed items.
Any ideas on where else I can check or who I can contact? I sure would like to get this dog tag back in the family.
Here is a link to the item:
08-26-2018 05:43 PM
08-26-2018 06:13 PM
08-26-2018 06:14 PM
08-26-2018 06:17 PM
08-26-2018 06:18 PM
08-26-2018 08:19 PM
Ebay will not give out private information to a third party by request. That's standard practice. It was a transaction between others. The most they will tell you is that if you think it was stolen or unlawfully sold would be to contact the police or a legal advisor.
While it would be nice to get that heirloom back, ebay won't help. They've made their sale and it was legitimate I assume? Maybe try some kind of social media?
08-29-2018 03:48 PM
I thought dog tags were the property of the government and could not be sold. I can't believe someone thought it was ok to list them. Does ebay allow this?
08-29-2018 03:51 PM
EBay should not be allowing the sale of these at all