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Around the camp fire you usually just sit and enjoy, roast marshmellows, have coffee or something stronger and sit and chat. So, pull up a stool, bench or lawn chair and sit a spell.
Message 1 of 1,747
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Well I guess your RV is clean and ready to sell to Phil. I guess you will not be going to Yuma in November but enjoying nice weather in Maricopa. I did chuckle when you described the last words Phil said to you nearing your departure. A week of weather in the 80's here, but hubby feels like he has the flu. We had some minor doctors appts this week but may cancel them. We are having a small deck rebuilt by our neighbor but he fell a few days ago but might make it back today. 20 to 30 wild turkeys visit us daily. Since I put bird seed on the ground they are eating it. Well in the mix there are a few seeds the song birds don't like so at least the turkeys keep the area clean. Working on coasters, a pillow, reading a good book and enjoying the outdoors. Would like some rain. My Marigolds look so pretty next to my rosemary bush, but the meat eating bees are interfering with cat food if they choose to eat outside. Any trips for you and Howard?
Message 1726 of 1,747
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Howard leaves Wed. for Yuma. I pick up Alisa at the airport in Phoenix Thursday and Shelby & I will drive to Yuma Thursday evening. The 3 of us (Howard, Shelby & myself) will leave for Chicago Friday morning before daybreak. Must be there before the 16th. Carol (good friend for 51 years) has her hip replaced on the 18th. We will babysit her hubby due to his alzheimers. Back home by Oct 19th for Howards Mayo Clinic appointments. Then off to Idaho (with Alisa & 3 Shih Tzus) to Howards sons campground. After camping out in the mountains of Idaho, we are off to Olympia, WA to Howards daughters (Alisa, 3 Shih Tzus & Justin, his son, in tow) for Thanksgiving. Finally back to AZ. Sometime in the beginning of Nov, I have to get to Yuma to show Phil and Mike how to put up the screen room and set up the patio.


Whoever said you get to relax when You get old? My bathroom is a disaster as I had to remove everything from the under the sink cabinets so Howard could install shelves for me. How nice it is going to be to put everything back in an orderly fashion instead of just piled up. I try to keep bedding for each room in each room as not to mix up the sheet sizes. Now I will have a place for my sheets, pillowcases and towels. Now I have way too many towels since I brought the towels I added twice embroidered last to, back from the RV. Phil can have the plain towels. Think I will take these towels to Howards as he has a bathroom they will look good in. Right color and all.

Message 1727 of 1,747
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I thought I would catch you before you go to Yuma and Chicago. I was cleaning my closet when I decided to go out the backdoor. Tom has been complaining of feeling sick like the flu or ? When I got in the kitchen the soup was boiling but he was lying on the floor He was not breathing and his eyes were open. The Medics tried for 30 minutes to revive him but with no luck. Now I just wait for a few days for the autopsy and bringing him back to here for the funeral home. I am doing OK with lots of support. My sister is coming next week.. Ah now for the paper work. I think it must have been a heart attack or stroke. I know you have gone through this. I don't mind being alone now and just sort of reliving the manic BP that he suffered 5 years ago. Maybe the 5 years of strong medicine did him in. So life goes on and will slowly decide what to do. Enjoy trip. Ah to go camping.
Message 1728 of 1,747
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OH JUDY! I am so sorry. We all know it is coming, but that doesn't make it any easier. Hopefully, he did not suffer. I know when Al died, knowing that he didn't go thru years of suffering with a disease or trapped in his own body from the stroke, comforted me. It was fast and painless. Know that the first year isn't bad but, unfortunately, at least in my case, the second year was harder. I was determined I would make Al proud of me by doing the things I deemed right. I was grateful for all my support but also grateful that my kids were thousands of miles away so I didn't have any family trying to tell me what to do. As a good friend told me, "there will be wet days, lots of them but they Will get farther and farther apart." It's been almost 8 years now and, yes, I still have tears occasionally even thou I feel as if I have found a second soul mate.


Be strong, do what YOU think is right, don't allow anyone to talk you into anything. If you feel a need to get away for a week or two this winter, Please do come for a visit. As you know, I have plenty of room and would love to meet you.


((((hugs)))) you are in my thoughts and prayers as you now travel a new road and start on a new adventure in your life. (that's the way I looked at it):heart:

Message 1729 of 1,747
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Thanks for the kind words and good suggestions. I fell asleep good but woke up at 3 and now it is 6 AM and I did not fall back asleep. I have lots of ideas of what I can do, and want to stay in the house for awhile as friends are up her or in towns 45 to 75 miles away...So probably will be busy for the next few weeks but will get details to you later.
Message 1730 of 1,747
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sorry I have not kept in touch...things are going smoothly. The local cemetery is. I changed from a casket to cremation and taking his ashes home this week in a pretty box. My sister was here with dump run, stuff for SPCA thrift store. He died of a heart attack. finally got death certificates work begins. No service or gathering. Makes life easier. I am doing OK.
Message 1731 of 1,747
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 So glad to hear from you Judi. Glad everything is running smoothly.  The SOB who is married to my friend is, as I said, a SOB! Driving us all nuts. More later


Message 1732 of 1,747
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I think you are back in Maricopa from Chicago. Finally saw the attorney Friday and see him again next Friday/ Then a week later a bone density test and then in early November I hope to take amtrak to Sacramento for a few nights with my sister. My sister in law in Merced will keep my car and drive me to the station so I won't worry about vandalism. Slowly getting paper work done and that hasn't been too bad. Tackling the banking will be next Friday. I just received a sympathy card from the workers of our local Ace Hardware store. That was nice and Tom's favorite store. I have to work up more courage in driving alone. I know you go everywhere. So tomorrow I go about 40 miles to a casino where I am meeting a friend. Foothill driving not freeways. I learned about the recycle center at dump and even put 5 leaf bags full of garbage and went to dump. My sister helped me with that. Having a handicapt sign helps. Time to get dressed and get productive.
Message 1733 of 1,747
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 Takes about six months to get everything straightened around. Staying off the freeways isn’t a bad option. You do what you’re comfortable with. That things are not comfortable with you either pay someone to do get a friend to do it. Glad you have family close by . 


 My biggest concern was with having income reduced greatly. Even though he had told me I would be fine,  she also told me $20,000 insurance policy and the $10,000 one and there wasn’t.  I was concerned with whether my lifestyle would have to change greatly. As it turned out it was great I’m doing fine. Not doing too well on getting money  into savings. 


 Daughter Alisa is moving back to Michigan. She really hates Arizona. I love it. I think I told you I broke up with Phil. I am now with Howard and we are so in love. I can’t believe God has given me a second soulmate!  I haven’t been in years. 


 Hang in there Judi, you’re doing great 

Message 1734 of 1,747
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Haven't been here lately, no good excuse just doing other stuff or somethings I do nothing. My legal work seems to be coming along, and changing bank information. I am keeping on one checking account as they said to keep it open for an tax refund that will come. Getting paycheck changes etc have gone smoothly. Still have to hit DMV. But for a break I am taking amtrak tomorrow to my sisters just for a few days. See how the cats do without me. I am comfortable in the house but I just have so much stuff!!! Family members helped me empty one messy shed with junk which has made trips to the dump and SPCA thrift store plentiful and recycle. I just do not know how long I wll stay here. When I mention retirement homes people say Oh you can't do that. 77 years old and group activites, cooked meals, escorted shopping trips sounds kind of good but we shall see. Things need to be done to the house before I can sell it. Sadly I saw my big truck and trailer drive off but sold to family members so I will see them. Well I do find I go to bed early.
Message 1735 of 1,747
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     I go to bed every night between 8 pm and 10 pm. Mostly because I have worked myself too hard and my body just won't take any more. Of course, I do get up between 4 am and 5 am. I enjoy my quiet mornings and work on my computer, play a couple of hands of Spider Solitaire and have my coffee. Think that is a left over from reading the paper, having my coffee and cigarette before the kids got up. Kind of set up my day and as my dear Al would say, "Get your ducks lined up".

     We are in Maricopa and have been here since last Wednesday. Howard had an appointment at Mayo on Thursday. Don't remember if I told you, but daughter (Alisa) is moving back to Michigan. So Garage sale to get rid of ALL her "stuff"! You know, the "Stuff" I paid to move here and the "Stuff" I bought for her! and the "Stuff" I gave her because I thought we would be living together. Now she is either taking some of that  "Stuff" back to Michigan (like my mothers jewelry box, my grandmothers portraits, etc.) or selling it. I am buying back some of the things I bought for her for use in the house at a higher price than I paid for them the first time. This is NOT making me happy but has made it a lot easier for me to see her go. 

     As far as her weight loss, I am extremely proud of her. She has lost 50 lbs and still working on it. She needs to loose about 30 lbs more BUT you can now see the lovely girl she used to be, you can see that she has nice legs and a waist. She just needs to work on loosing the tummy (that looks like she is 6 months pregnant) and since she has never had any kids, that shouldn't be too hard. She is determined and very good about her diet. I am sure she will accomplish her goal before she leaves for Michigan. Her other goal, to get everything sold and to get top dollar for her race car is another subject. She needs to sell all this to finance her move which I will not subsidise. She thinks she will end up having enough to pay for her trip, pay a moving company to move the items she wishes to keep, and put a down payment on a small house. Good Luck to that one. Just another pipe dream like racing that race car was. Oh well, you can't take dreams away from people.

     In the meantime, Howard and I are doing great and head over heals in Love. Kind of like two teenagers.heart_eyes Can't seem to keep our hands off each other and do not want to be apart at all. Funny how that old feeling can come back to you.  We leave for Idaho Nov 17 or 18 to visit his son and then on to Olympia, Wa to have Thanksgiving with his daughter. I am looking forward to the trip. I enjoy both his kids and they seem to like me.

     So, this morning, we leave for Yuma and Howards winter home. He is loosing a front tooth (already has a root canal and cap) and now the root is cracked. He has to have it removed and either a tooth added to his small partial or, hopefully an implant. If the implant works, I think he may go for implants to replace the partial.

     Well, that brings you up to date at my end. Give yourself a good year before you make any major decisions like where you want to live. See if any of the Senior Complexes have anything where you can stay for just a week or two to try it out. OR how about an apartment in a senior subsidized building? A lot of those have all the activities you mentioned including a beauty parlor and DR who comes in once a week. That way you still keep your own independent living as long as you want it.

Message 1736 of 1,747
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Thanks for all the news. Now leaving for a few days Kind of nervous about traveling alone. Not use to that. Not as independent as you. Of course I am not interested in another relationship like being alone but so happy for you and Howard.
Message 1737 of 1,747
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Thank you Judy. Actually, I wasn’t interested in a relationship after Al died either. I was amazed at how well I was doing and how content I was. I did not look for it to happen, it just did. As to traveling alone, I wasn’t Leary except for the staying at the motels alone. One of my bad memory’s was having Drug Deals happen in the room next to mine. I knew I was too tired to leave and drive the rest of the way from Tucson to yuma at 11 pm, so, I slept with a loaded gun (safety off) under my pillow. I awakened at 3 am, looked outside to see if all was quiet, grabbed the dog and my suitcase and hightailed it to Yuma. I was so released to be out of there.  Anyway, have fun on your trip. 

Message 1738 of 1,747
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finally got on here........MERRY CHRISTMAS It has been an eventful few months but I am ready to move on I found a Independent living retirement home in Merced. I think now I will clear out the house faster then I planned and when empty I will list it but also sign up for the studio or one room apartment within the complex, not really an apartment but a living area. Tom's family live near by and are helping me a lot. Tom fixed everything. The other day I had no hot water but I had plans and also will be leaving for 4 nights for Christmas. But the water heater needs replaced or fixed and I will call the plumber (one we use a lot) tomorrow and set up an appointment for a week from now. Not saving much, most of my things are not that meaningful to me and really are just being trashed or recycled and also donated to SPCA. I sold the big truck and trailer but relatives have them so I see them. I find myself going to bed about 9 oclock. My cats would not handle where I will be moving to so I will include them with the house. And my neighbor also said he would help take of came. I will miss them. Oh well. Hope you had a good trip to Idaho.
Message 1739 of 1,747
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 Can’t believe it, they lost my whole text to you 

Message 1740 of 1,747
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