11-20-2021 10:31 AM
11-20-2021 12:07 PM
And I believe you are correct, a lady would place that piece right in the center of her cleavage opening of the dress.
I want to go shopping with you! What an eye!
11-20-2021 12:07 PM
And I believe you are correct, a lady would place that piece right in the center of her cleavage opening of the dress.
I want to go shopping with you! What an eye!
11-20-2021 03:00 PM
Thanks for your help you are awesome!!
11-20-2021 03:14 PM
I would rather think that it is a fur clip with those sharp points. https://worldeccentricitycharm.com/blogs/news/fur-clips
11-20-2021 03:49 PM
Yes, I would tend to agree judging how sharp they are. I would think that a lot of ladies back then would not have had furs as they were costly and seasonal. So I could see them on a wool suit or coat.
My grandmother used to have one attached to her purse and I wanted it!
I initially didn't view the long points on OPs picture or I would have suggested a heavier garment but I think OP will be just fine listing this item as a " garment clip".
Thanks for sharing your article always good to learn!
11-21-2021 07:03 AM
11-21-2021 08:30 AM
Thanks everyone for your help!!
11-23-2021 09:19 AM
@watchmystuffgo , if you are still here, what is the mark on the back of your clip? Is it a maker's mark? Or do you know the maker of your piece?
I have a brooch with the same upturned rhinestone settings, marked just sterling. Your maker would give me somewhere to start.
Thank you.
11-23-2021 10:40 PM
Thanks I am such a moron and forgot to look at that even before asking questions marked Nathalpern.
Thanks for the help!!
08-19-2022 11:40 AM
Very long overdue THANK YOU!!