04-08-2017 02:41 PM
I actually found the same bracelet in completeds, but wanted to check in here too as I had never heard that Monet had a children's line. Measures 2 1/4" by 2" and 1" at its widest. Thanks for looking/help!
pssst: its clearsphere
04-08-2017 03:53 PM
Interesting. I don`t think I`ve ever seen any children`s jewelry..worth exploring tho. That seems like a mighty small bracelet
04-09-2017 07:39 AM - edited 04-09-2017 07:41 AM
I don't think it's for a child. My vintage Bakelite bangle bracelets measure 2.5" interior diameter and they have to fit over the hand to wear. I can get those on with no problem and I'm neither big nor small-boned, just average. That style of bracelet is worn right where the cuff of a long-sleeved garment would be, just above the wrist bone. Your cuff isn't supposed to close all the way so I'd say it's the correct size for an adult female.
04-09-2017 09:38 AM - edited 04-09-2017 09:39 AM
I agree with rubiano. The average bangle measures 2 1/2 inches across. I have a 7" wrist and can fit into a 2 1/4" bangle if the opening is wide enough, but it's a snug fit. A 2 1/4" measurement would fit about a 6 to 6 1/2" wrist comfortably.
04-09-2017 02:58 PM
Thanks for replies-I have a larger wrist. I took some pics of me trying to put it on...
I might have been able to force it, but I probably wouldn't have been able to take it off. Then I would have to find a matching one and become Wonder Woman
04-09-2017 05:59 PM - edited 04-09-2017 06:00 PM
LOL @medusa_pewter