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What "investors Lot " means to you

I just would like to know if you bought an investors lot of your favorite collectible what you would expect

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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

it would imply that the things in the lot would increase in value over time
which means nothing
Message 2 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

If by "lot" you mean one group of several items, I would expect junk, a mish-mash, oddments, bits and bobs, leftovers, stuff dumped together for a quick sale with a fancy, and fantasy, marketing term.  Pieces worthy of "investment" status are rather few and far between and they are sold individually.  



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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

@christians-papa  Well, it depends on whether its singular possessive or plural possessive?

"Investor's" would be singular possessive and mean the lot of a particlar Investor that is up for sale where as "investors' " could mean a lot which may appeal to more than one investor ... so you see, depending on which it is would influence the answer to the question ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 4 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

A marketing pitch, that when you invest your money, you lose it. The person or group that gets money from you gets to keep it.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

Ah, indeed, it is often an investor's lot to lose his money to slick marketers.     Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

The word 'Investor's' might not mean anything to me. But I would expect it to mean that you want to unload several of the same type of things at wholesale price. Generally, wholesale is half of retail.


So, if you have 10 items that, when listed separately on ebay, we would expect to get $15 a peace for, I would expect 'investor' to mean you are listing the lot at wholesale, or half retail, $75.


Too many dealers on eBay list a lot of items as 'wholesale' which in fact are the current value combined. Rather than "wholesale", they'd be more honest to say "I'm too lazy to list them separately, but maybe there's someone foolish enough to pay me as if I did"

Message 7 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

I do talk-to-text because I have really bad vision and I can't really see the text too well so please pardon my grammatical errors I'll reword the question if you saw a listing that said investors lot of blank and you fill in the blank of whatever you like to collect in what condition would you expect your blanks to be in
Message 8 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

mint or like new(hardly used) --unless  50-100 year old items--best condition one can find or afford----Value over time is expressed in condition depending supply and demand.


Supply and demand can go up or go down very quickly-- it is a risk no different than the stock market.


Personally i collect for pleasure--some items i have are worth little money wise but very difficult to find in great condition and actually prized more than the more expensive items in the same collection.


Good luck with any investor lot your looking at.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you


I do talk-to-text because I have really bad vision and I can't really see the text too well so please pardon my grammatical errors I'll reword the question if you saw a listing that said investors lot of blank and you fill in the blank of whatever you like to collect in what condition would you expect your blanks to be in

I would expect the "blanks" to be in good to excellent condition whether they are from an investor's inventory they are selling OR are suited for people to invest in them to buy and resell.  Hope this size text is easier to read.

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 10 of 11
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Re: What "investors Lot " means to you

In the case of coins and cards, an "investor lot" may contain multiple duplicates that an investor would hope to sell at a profit in the future. Of course, a seller could also use the word investor as a marketing "enhancement."


In the purist sense, a collector doesn't necessarily care about the money as much as collecting and owning and adding to their collection, while an investor is concerned more with the potential future value and payoff.


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