04-17-2022 11:32 AM
04-17-2022 12:56 PM
Could the letter on the far left be a highly stylized "H"? Art Deco era designs can be almost abstract at times. My guess would be a High School (H.S.) pin. Now, who is B.G.?
04-17-2022 01:18 PM
From what state did you get the pin? I am in Ohio, so I am thinking Bowling Green High School.
04-17-2022 03:00 PM
Could be right. I didn't think of high school. Been looking at Bowling Green. Thanks.
04-17-2022 03:03 PM
I don't really know what state - got this from past family members. That's a good guess though. I was thinking of Bowling Green, but not the high school.
04-17-2022 05:00 PM
I agree with palmtreelucky that it's H.S. and B.G. could be Bowling Green. There is a Bowling Green HS in Kentucky. The pin belonged to someone with the initials J.E.P. If you can get a hold of the 1926 yearbook, you might find JEP. Or is that someone in your family?
04-18-2022 07:54 AM - edited 04-18-2022 07:55 AM
I don't have an identification for you but I'd just throw in a word of caution about assuming what the letters BG stand for. For example: If you live in Central PA, as I do, BGHS is Bishop Guilfoyle High School, and it's usually referred to as "BG." "He taught at BG for awhile." "Both of their boys went to BG." And like that. 🙂