04-18-2022 01:43 PM
I am look for the book No- Hassle Triangles quilt block book Does and one know where I can purchase it.
04-18-2022 02:33 PM
Just about any bookstore/website with a selection of fabric books. Might even be on ebay.
04-18-2022 02:37 PM
@shaan9097 wrote:I am look for the book No- Hassle Triangles quilt block book Does and one know where I can purchase it.
Have you checked the author's website?
04-18-2022 02:39 PM
04-18-2022 03:47 PM
I couldn't find any evidence that such a book even exists, just some youtube videos.
04-18-2022 04:36 PM
It's online on her website as a PDF and in print version. See @albertabrightalberta's post for link.
04-18-2022 08:34 PM
I can usually find things, but that website defeated me.