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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"


I don't sell on ebay very often. when I do, it's usually a larger item. I've noticed that on many listings, mine included just now, that the number of watchers for my listing is not shown to buyers/viewers. The settings for the listing, such as BIN, reserve, duration, or any other variable for the listing have no effect on whether or not the number of watchers is displayed to viewers. If your watcher count is not shown on your listing, you can easily test these settings yourself.

It’s not a cache issue. It’s not a browser issue. But I was sure it had to be either that or a bug, so I tested all that too: different browsers, re-boot, private windows, clear cache, repeat.

I've called customer service to make them aware of this problem. Silly me. It just had to be a bug. I've been told by CS that it is in fact “likely” a technical issue. They’ll look into it, you know, create a ticket and get back to you in 2 hours.

I’m just seeing it now, but this has persisted for some time apparently. Plenty of time to fix a bug, or to correct a glitch.

The problem is discussed at length online. Most of the discussions are complaints from confused and dismayed sellers. This is not surprising.

There is no way this can be a technical glitch or bug for such a basic auction listing characteristic: one that is at the heart of auction selling, especially on ebay, who knows this, and who employs an army of developers and programmers. They must hear about this every day.

Knowing the level of interest in an auction listing is fundamental to auction selling. It is basic to the very idea of an auction. Anyone who has attended a live auction knows this. It’s a dance. Assessing the level of pre-bid interest establishes favorable urgency (or the lack of it) once the bidding starts. That’s intel the buyer and the auctioneer and the seller need. They're not called "watchers" for no reason. Ebay did not invent this label.

Level of interest establishes the basis for both buyer cost and seller's price in an auction environment. For (what? 30 year now?) this has been ebay's reason for being. It’s how they started. But those with “watchers on” now have a distinct advantage over those with “watchers off”. If your listing shows “watchers off” on a page with similar items and a mix of “watchers on”, then in the viewers mind there is clearly something wrong with your listing. It must be overpriced or have some other dire characteristic to be avoided. It’s that simple.

The ebay auction marketplace is no longer a level playing field.

If your listing cannot establish pre-bid interest in the item to be sold, you may as well list it on craigslist, or in a local publication. All you have is a price/OBO ad for your item, not an auction for it, at least not an auction that has all the key elements of an auction.

In an auction environment, if no one is watching or interested in an item, no one wants it. If no one wants it, then I don’t want it either. I might view it if it seems priced right, but there must be something wrong about it I didn’t see. So, on I go to the listing that’s been “vetted” with active watchers as having good selling characteristics, and likely no negative ones to worry about or miss. Sure, there are exceptions here. Some auction buyers are collectively very clever about dis-creating interest, only to swoop and snipe.

There are exceptions, and some buyers shy away from items with high watch counts. If this is your buying approach, yours is the exception here too, not the rule. You’d be just as comfortable on craigslist. The rest of us want auctions.

The conclusion (to me at least) seems pretty clear. Ebay is testing “watchers on” vs “watchers off”, likely on a large and ongoing sample set(s) of listings. The goal of this testing is to collect at least these two metrics I’d bet on: 1) how much more (or less) does ebay get to keep when watchers are shown vs not shown; and 2) if more (and only if), how much faster can the “more” be received: that is, are the sales churned faster.

The logic is simple for ebay: if no watchers, then no or fewer bids. If no or few bids, item likely didn’t sell. If item didn’t sell, then seller lowers starting price/bid/reserve until it does or sets a lower, faster-churning BIN price. Someone gains in this scenario, but not the seller.

There is no clear advantage for sellers in this testing exercise. The advantage for buyers is dubious as well because good values, but no watchers, will just be ignored come bid time.

Auctions allow the seller’s asking price and buyer’s cost to meet right where they should with no confusion and with little or no interference by the auctioneer. Auctions are free-markets where cost and price mesh beautifully. That was the beauty of ebay for 30 years.

I see this as egregious. And I’m shocked the selling community is not raising holy [your adjective here] about it.

Message 1 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

being able to see the number of watchers has always been hard or simple according to who you ask.My real question for you is what will you do if a customer crashed your drones and files a not as described,you will be stuck refunding for some bozo drone flyer.I was reading about this exact situation the other day.People buy stuff all the time and break it and then return it,it can not be stopped.

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 2 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

Thanks but with all respect that was not the point of the post.


But to your question if some "bozo" crashes for any reason, or loses a drone covered by DJI's Enterprise Shield (a simple form of insurance, and which these drones carry) DJI replaces the drone. It's right there in the listing. Nice feature.

Message 3 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

As a powerbuyer a high watchcount makes the item something I would pass by. In auctions I’m looking for amazing cheap finds, following the herd gets you nowhere.


ebay runs metrics on everything. If watchers were shown to improve sales they would still be on there 100%, ive read they show up when the count goes over 5.


the watchcount has long been hated by some buyers because it’s nobody’s business who is watching things. You would not believe how many sellers come here complaint about watchers who watch but don’t buy. They also complain that other sellers should not be allowed to use the watchlist. BTW the watchlist was created as a tool for buyers. Why should sellers get to use it for marketing, in direct conflict with the desires of the buyer?


many different opinions, who says yours is the right one?

Message 4 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

You're right. Absolutely no one, my friend. But it is my opinion. And we all know the saying that goes with that. I'm human. I've got one, too.


But then there's those sellers who swear their sales have dramatically dipped since the watcher count "on or off" became a cause for concern and an undocumented, uncontrollable, "reported-consistently-by-CS-as-a-bug-but-never-fixed" problem. Not to mention that if it were a change in ebay policy, it was never officially reported by ebay. Anywhere. To any one.


You don't see a problem with its unpredictable, un-understandable removal and usage. It's a good thing to you. That's fine. Others don't see it like that.


I would think that "show watcher count on/off" would be a variable every seller should be able to control, especially if its as unhelpful and potentially risky to use as you say and as helpful and necessary as others say. Just sayin.




Message 5 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

I’m not arguing your right to an opinion. However there were a lot of assumptions about buyers in that post that I didn’t agree with. After 20 years on the boards I have found that people have assumptions about how other people feel that are often incorrect.

Message 6 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

Then we are in complete agreement.

Message 7 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"



It is possible that eBay has changed the threshold for the number of watchers to appear; if you check some of the popular listings that are shown on the main eBay page, some have the number of watchers indicated in the listings. I saw one listing that had "98 watchers" listed.


Here is a previous recent thread that may have some insight into how the number of watchers feature works, and why it may not always appear:

Message 8 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

Thanks that thread was useful. 


But it also just reinforced my argument that ebay is not, by any stretch, being straight up about this change. That tells me that 1) they are likely afraid of the consequences of the change and two; 2) they likely must make the change and are willing to take the consequences. So what to do? They modulate the impact.


There's just too much speculation, guesswork and superstitious behavior around what the reason for the change was. If I could have gotten an answer from CS on the times I called, I might feel differently. They didn't even know. Come on. CS, it feels to me, has been armed with fog machines.


Truth is, not one us here can get to who knows the answer. that if ebay thought this change would be (mostly) universally accepted as a good thing, they would have announced it with some fanfare or at least officially, at least a little bit, somewhere. Instead they are either 1) still collecting data in advance of the change and its announcement, or they 2) already have the data they need and are just doing it,  treating the change as a necessary but toxic rollout, done incrementally over time and with hopefully the least disruption. Put another way, by the time the "watcher on/off" bug is fixed, we'll have all forgotten what it meant as a key element in the auction marketplace. IMO.

Message 9 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

IMO the best solution for the “watchers on/off” issue is to allow each seller to decide on each listing what the watch count is. There is an issue with the kind of watchers, of course. Other sellers of identical or similar products use your asking and sale price as benchmarks or other comparisons to advance their sales and set their own pricing and strategies. But for actual potential buyers, and the seller, the number of watchers is a key element of the auction process and of the selling dynamics as discussed above.


The ability to set the number and type of watchers should be enabled in the listing interface, something like this below. This is a simple example of the functionality. Programmatically, this or something like it, could be handled in a dozen variants (by one programmer in an afternoon):


[ ] show watchers if less than 6

[ ] show watchers if less than 11

[ ] show watchers if less than 16

[ ] show all watchers


[ ] show count watchers currently selling similar (would use product categories to determine)


This would signal to buyers who and what kind of watchers there are for your item. Likewise, for the seller and other sellers of similar or identical products.


There is no reason in my mind why the actual user id of any watcher would have to revealed, only the type and count of watchers.

Message 10 of 11
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"Watchers count shown" vs "Watchers count not shown"

Ooops. Missing one option:


[ ] don't show watcher count

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