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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

I ordered 2 coins from a Power Seller with nearly 6000 sales and 100% feedback. What arrived is a Sprout Cubby children's tablet - that I did not order! - and it came in a large 9 x 12 padded envelope. I checked the return address and it is the same city where the coins were coming from. Ebay's tracking shows that the 2 coins were delivered to my house that day by the USPS - but the only package I received that day was the tablet. I contacted the seller to explain this, and attached photos of the large mailing envelope and tablet I received - and he finally replied to my 4th message. He stated he did not send the children's tablet, he never owned such an item, and that tracking proves the coins were delivered to me by the USPS. Since the Ebay return label address is from the same city as the seller (and I have bought nothing else on Ebay from anyone from that city) - I do believe this label and package were sent incorrectly by him. It is odd that a seller would send 2 coins in such a large envelope - and he sent me a much more expensive item - the 2 coins including shipping were only $9.  I also have 100% positive feedback - nearly 1000 purchases - and this has never happened to me. I have occasionally been sent the wrong item, and I send it back and either get refunded or the correct item sent back to me. I can try to request a refund for the $9 - but I don't know if it is worth it as tracking shows the coins were delivered to my mail box and the Power Seller denies it. Frustrating because I felt guilty about getting this expensive item (that I do not want) sent to me and I just want to send it back and get my cheap coins...

Message 1 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

@jl.pags wrote:

I do not know what to do here - and that is why I asked the community. The 2 coins are not very valuable (I won the auction for $5.50) and are worth less money than this tablet - even used the tablet sells for more than what I paid for the coins. I can open the "item-not-as-described" case, but I was concerned that since tracking proves it was delivered, and he is a 100% feedback power seller who denies sending this, that I will just come out looking like a scammer and get my first negative feedback.

You have the evidence of what you received, the tablet sent in a large envelope:  two coins would not be sent in such a large envelope.  In addition, you have evidence of (i) the tracking number which was posted on eBay by the seller, not by you, (ii) the mailing label which was created by the seller using the eBay system, and (iii) the seller’s listing the weight of the package as containing the coins but (iv) using the large package to send the tablet.  Since (v) the seller mailed the package, she/he cannot deny that the package did not contain the coins but rather contained the definitely larger tablet; as indicated, this is an evidence point.


In regard to filing an item-not-as-described case, you must be careful to include pictures

  • full-face picture of the package, clearly displaying the mailing label,
  • full-face picture of mailing label with the tablet, and
  • close-up of the weight displayed on the mailing label, preferably including the addresses and tracking number on the mailing label so that the seller cannot deny that this is the mailing label that she/he created,

and details regarding your communication with the seller

  • refer to and quote your messages (hopefully these were sent via the eBay message system so that eBay Customer Service can read them) and
  • clearly, but respectfully, point out that the envelope is the size of the tablet rather than the size of the two coins that you purchased,

as well as request 

  • a prepaid mailing label (while the seller pays for return of items-not-as-described, I always like to include this request to indicate that I want to return the seller’s item to her/him — it is a nice touch) with which to return the seller’s tablet to her/him and
  • a full refund.

Do not let the seller string you along with promises of sending the original item.  Since this seller sent you an item which is completely different from the two coins which you purchased, it is better to get you money back and end this transaction.


Since the seller claims that she/he did not send the tablet, you should carefully point out (as mentioned above) the weight on the mailing envelope, the size of the package which accomodates the tablet rather than the coins, and the fact that the seller mailed the package and, thus, had to know that the tablet was contained in the package rather than the two coins which you purchased.

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Message 19 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

first .... what is the tracking number that is on your purchase of the coins, vs. the one on the label you received?


if it is the same..then the seller must have sent it or created the label....and set mistake....HE may think he didn't but will when the other person who got coins actually wanted the tablet....

HE may be contacting you back...later...hold on to it....and if not you have a gift from him..... and you can get coins another time....just wait awhile...


if the numbers don't match at all....then you did recieve a package by mistake from somewhere that a computer messed up...and it is yours to keep...finders keepers! 


BUT i bet that seller thought you were pulling something and he'll get a messages from another...and he'll realize what he did....and I;'ve done that before....having to have things sent back and then forward....its a mess, but happens.


Message 2 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

Thanks for the quick reply. I just checked the tracking and the numbers are exactly the same - which is why I guess he insists that the coins were delivered. It is weird that he says he never owned a tablet like this and denies sending it - maybe he did not want to admit he goofed. I will just hang on to this for a while and see what happens.

Message 3 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

@jl.pags wrote:

Thanks for the quick reply. I just checked the tracking and the numbers are exactly the same - which is why I guess he insists that the coins were delivered. It is weird that he says he never owned a tablet like this and denies sending it - maybe he did not want to admit he goofed. I will just hang on to this for a while and see what happens.

You can open a "not as described" complaint to make him pay to have it shipped back. Or you can wait.

Message 4 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

Thanks for the suggestion. That is probably the only way I could file a claim at this point as tracking "proves" the coins were delivered. The whole thing is strange - I don't think he was selling one of these tablets so I don't know what happened.

Message 5 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

If the tablet works and is worth more than the coins, sell it and buy the coins from someone else
Message 6 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

There's no need for you to feel guilty. You did nothing wrong. The tracking number proves the seller made a mistake. You brought it to the seller's attention and tried to make it right, and the seller is uncooperative.


So there are a couple of ways you can go. You can open a SNAD claim and return the tablet at the seller's expense for a full refund. Or you can use this opportunity in one way or another, by selling it here or elsewhere, or by donating it, or even stashing it away to give at Christmas. I personally would sell it.

Message 7 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

Thanks - I think I will just wait for a while to see if the seller discovers the mistake, or if the intended recipient is waiting for it. I wanted to do the right thing, but the seller is not being very cooperative and thinks I am in the wrong here. If I hear nothing back from him in a few weeks - this will get donated to a deserving child in my community. And - I will re-purchase my cheap coins from somebody else.

Message 8 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

weird.... there is one other possibility.... the labels somehow got switched at the post office. Very rare but it has happened... how did the label look?  Is there another label under yours?


If not for his statement "I never owned such an item".... it could be a child playing in his packing area and putting their Sprout Cubby Tablet in an envelope and sealing it, and he, in a rush prints out a label and throws it on the envelope he picks up without even thinking.... because would it even be safe to ship a Sprout Cubby Tablet in a padded envelope? Does he sell anything other then coins?


All tracking proves is you DID receive something. It doesn't mean the item isn't SNAD, in this case the wrong item... you can still open a return for SNAD. 


The situation is so rare, even IF both parties are being honest.... people tend to believe the other party is lying... unfortunately.

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Message 9 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

@jl.pags wrote:

Thanks - I think I will just wait for a while to see if the seller discovers the mistake, or if the intended recipient is waiting for it. I wanted to do the right thing, but the seller is not being very cooperative and thinks I am in the wrong here. If I hear nothing back from him in a few weeks - this will get donated to a deserving child in my community. And - I will re-purchase my cheap coins from somebody else.

Waiting before opening an item-not-as-described case can work against you, especially since the seller denies that the item that you received was sold by her/him.  It would be best to open the case ASAP and include pictures of the item that you received as well as refer to the messages (with their details and dates) that you sent to the seller in regard to your having received this item instead of the two coins for which you paid.  Make sure that you include a picture of the tracking number on the package and a full-face picture of the package showing both addresses.  Most likely the coins are worth more than the item that you received and you will be the one short-changed by waiting for the seller to do nothing to correct her/his error.

Message 10 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

Those are good points. The label appears to be a printed ebay label on a 8.5 x 11" piece of paper, that was then folded in half and taped to the bubble mailer. There is no other label underneath that. And yes - it is NOT the safest or best way to send a tablet in the mail! I have attached a photo of what I received. Upon looking at the label a little closer, it says the weight is 0 lbs, 3 ozs. That would be about the right weight of the 2 coins I ordered, because the large envelope and tablet weigh more than that. I have been trying to figure out how this mistake happened. The seller is currently only selling coins and baseball cards, most of these, I would assume, would be sent in much smaller envelopes. And you are right - this is unusual and he probably thinks I am lying because unfortunately quite a few people do lie...


Message 11 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

I do not know what to do here - and that is why I asked the community. The 2 coins are not very valuable (I won the auction for $5.50) and are worth less money than this tablet - even used the tablet sells for more than what I paid for the coins. I can open the "item-not-as-described" case, but I was concerned that since tracking proves it was delivered, and he is a 100% feedback power seller who denies sending this, that I will just come out looking like a scammer and get my first negative feedback.

Message 12 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

If you want to do the right thing, file a SNAD and return it to the seller for a full refund

Message 13 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

Buyers cant get negatives.  Dont worry, you cant even get a soft positive.  Wait a few weeks.  If you get no question from him.  I would sell the tablet.  He said he never sold one, his words.  It more or less is yours now but I would still wait.  Then sell it, take the cash and buy some coins.

Wherever you go, there you are. Please remember, when you are asked if you are a god, you say yes.
Message 14 of 63
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Wrong item delivered - power seller denies it

@jl.pags wrote:

Those are good points. The label appears to be a printed ebay label on a 8.5 x 11" piece of paper, that was then folded in half and taped to the bubble mailer. There is no other label underneath that. And yes - it is NOT the safest or best way to send a tablet in the mail! I have attached a photo of what I received. Upon looking at the label a little closer, it says the weight is 0 lbs, 3 ozs. That would be about the right weight of the 2 coins I ordered, because the large envelope and tablet weigh more than that. I have been trying to figure out how this mistake happened. The seller is currently only selling coins and baseball cards, most of these, I would assume, would be sent in much smaller envelopes. And you are right - this is unusual and he probably thinks I am lying because unfortunately quite a few people do lie...


The size of the envelope provides proof that the seller’s having put the tablet into the envelope was on purpose and not by accident.  In addition, since the tracking number on the package is the same as the tracking number that the seller posted on eBay, the seller cannot deny that this package was sent by her/him.


You should include a picture similar to this — including the full-face package with the tablet (of course, with the addresses displayed) — together with a close-up full-face picture of the envelop with the case.


Since the seller is lists coins and baseball cards, sending this tablet is not by accident, especially considering the size of the package.


File an item-not-as-described case ASAP.  You made your purchase in good faith and paid in full and the seller was less than honorable in sending this tablet.  


Again, sending this tablet in this large envelope — larger than necessary for two coins — is definitely on purpose, not by accident.  It is the seller who is not being truthful.

Message 15 of 63
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