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Won't let me pay for item! STILL.

Well, seeing as the original thread was closed, even thought the topic is still relevant, I've started this up again, as it is STILL not working.


I'll copy a lot of the original content from the original post that sellgr8stuff.123 started back in October '16.


"I commited to buy 3 items from a seller and when I try to pay by PayPal it will not let me. I have funds in my account. I contacted PayPal and it is not an issue on that end. I even purchased something with payPal but not thru ebay and it worked. So I would think the issue would be with ebay. I have tried multiple times and it wont work.


Error Message reads: 

We couldn't process your PayPal payment

I contacted PayPal and they said it is not an issue with PayPal. I purchased a different item on a different site and my payment with PayPal worked."


I have had exactly this problem and have therefore not bought or sold anything through Paypal for around 8 months!   It won't work via the iOS Ebay App, via Google Chrome or via Internet Explorer. And the cache has been clearned multiple times in the past 8 months. I've tried on my work network, and my home network, and still nothing. 


I don't want to have to start from scratch and start a new account, but right now I can't see any other way to get around this. I'm glad I'm not the only one having - or have had - this problem. But why nothings been done about it so far, is beyond me.  HELP.

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Re: Won't let me pay for item! STILL.



Recently an IE update has caused issues with using ebay, mostly preventing people from bidding. It is just possible it is causing some to not be able to pay as well. Check your IE update history, and get the info from the most recent one, then do an online search to see if it is known to cause problems, and to see if a fix has been issued. If no fix is available, try undoing the update.  Good Luck.

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Re: Won't let me pay for item! STILL.

Thanks @mudshark61369 but as you can see from my OP, I've tried via the app, via Google Chrome...and it still doesn't work.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Won't let me pay for item! STILL.

Anyone? Anyone else having the same problem? Any help from eBay?! This is a nightmare.

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Re: Won't let me pay for item! STILL.

FINALLY (this is my 4th (?!) attempt) I spoke to someone on eBay customer service help who actually knew what they were doing and didn't want to palm it off to Paypal!! Here's what I had to do:


Here's how you can remove your Saved checkout payment method: 1. Click on My eBay. 2. Click on Account. 3. Click on Personal Information. 4. Scroll the page down to 'Financial information'. 5. Under 'Saved checkout payment methods', click on 'Remove' along PayPal.


I could then pay for things again!  Just posting in case anyone else has a similar problem!


Message 5 of 6
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Re: Won't let me pay for item! STILL.

I'm having the same problem.

I've won 2 items in the last two days, but it won't let me pay.

I've removed both my credit card and PayPal, re-added them, but nothing...

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