07-25-2024 08:17 AM
I had an ebay gift card balance. Wanted to make a purchase of $212. Purchased an additional gift card for $200. Purchase the item. Returned the item (it was defective). Refund was issued for $212. Refund in my returns shows being refunded to the gift card, which should have been $200 to the $200 one and $12 to the one I already had. The $200 card shows as having a value of $188. The other card has $90, but I can't recall the value prior to the purchase.
Purchase and refund summary both only show 'gift card' for payment and refund, not a number. I AM shown this upon check out, but did not save the information.
Where can I check the itemized use of my gift cards?
07-29-2024 05:26 AM
no one knows?