08-21-2023 09:01 AM
Ok, Im part of the "test" of being charged automatically, Im not asking about the "why me Lord, whyyy?!" I get the whole reason/point behind it. But how am I supposed to do combined shipping now? Just made a purchase, and luckily won, and because of that now I want to make more purchases from that seller as I'm already paying for the shipping anyways but due to this "tryout/test" the seller cant hold my item while I do more purchases, and do combined shipping at the end.
08-21-2023 09:19 AM
I am assuming this is an Auction...
Maybe the seller doesnt know they have this enabled on their listings.
You could let the seller know you are interested in buying / bidding on more Auctions but would like to combine shipping.
The seller can remove the requirement to have automatic payment on Auctions.
Sellers dont have to combine shipping or remove the requirement but it doesnt hurt to ask if they will.
08-21-2023 01:39 PM
@klhmdg wrote:The seller can remove the requirement to have automatic payment on Auctions.
Sellers dont have to combine shipping or remove the requirement
It appears for some sellers listing items for sale on ebay, it has become of greater importance to prevent a non payment even if this should result in some decline in sales
Be understanding, if a deal isn't good , move away to another seller more grateful for your business.