07-15-2024 06:16 PM
Hello out there in Ebay Land,
Im searching for part # 530069290 on Ebay and the search bar gives me 1,000 plus results. None of these results are pertaining to this part # in any shape way or form. Can someone please tell me why that is ? i don't even have the box checked that says include description 🤔
07-15-2024 06:25 PM
When I search for 530069290 I get nothing.
Generally speaking, I find that a part number and nothing else is not a good way to search eBay.
I find it helps to include the brand or a word or two that describes the item, like pulley 530069290
or Poulan 530069290.
07-15-2024 06:33 PM
07-15-2024 06:43 PM
Short answer: There are none currently listed on eBay that include that part number.
It's showing you related parts. I got the same 1K+ results. But when I put the part number in quotes I get 0 results. Change filter to sold and one applicable listing appears.
Enter part number in Product Research / Terapeak and I find 3 sold in the past year.
Enter part number in Google, the first result is eBay, but when I click on it I'm taken to a product page that says the part is sold out and there are no current listings, only related listings.
07-15-2024 07:32 PM
Part for what?
A Lego set?
A cochlear implant?
A Ford Model T?
A KitchenAid mixer?
07-16-2024 04:10 AM
"Im searching for part # 530069290 on Ebay and the search bar gives me 1,000 plus results. None of these results are pertaining to this part # in any shape way or form."
What mower, car, boat .... is the part for? Is the part a throttle cable, a serpentine belt, battery hold down clamp, a switch for something? What manufacturers engine, car, boat, aircraft does it go on? What year of manufacture was it made for?
eBay is not set up to search for a part by a number alone without more information. You do not use a part number only when you list items. Ex; Tecumseh Oil Dipstick 35648 Dip Stick. So why would you search only by a part number?
07-16-2024 07:59 AM
You may have to shop somewhere with a search function that works