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New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

I just woke up to find ebay's latest monkeying around. I absolutely hate the new look of the My Favorite Search page! Not only the look, but also the the two options of Date Added or By Name option. Apparently, they want you to only use Date Added. I prefer the orderly By Name that is in alphabetical order, but everytime I would look at an entry it would change back to Date Added. Leave Things Alone!  If it ain't broke .... don't mess with it!

Message 1 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

"And if you click on the link to give your opinion, none of the questions even relate to the changes made. 


Use the blank space at the bottom to air grievances. You might be even be able to submit the form without filling out the other parts. If not, rate it low and hopefully that will get their attention."


I went back and did just that! Thanks 🙂

Message 16 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Certainly reminds me of MS. Anything to make a change -- never mind the users. Useless, crappy  re-write of code that was about as useful as you could ask for.

NOW I k now what "bloomimg idiots" means........


Message 17 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Well, I discovered one silver lining in the new Saved Search look. Trying to beat it into submission made me realize that at least half of my Saved Searches are now useless after the Great Category Purge. So I was able to lessen one page of eBay idiocy because of an even bigger example of eBay idiocy. 

Message 18 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Please tell me how to delete saved searches!

Message 19 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Please tell me how to delete saved searches!


You can delete a saved search by clicking on the blue heart icon.


Some workarounds for Saved Searches can be found in this thread:


Alternate links on the Feed page, CSS hacks, and custom ad blocking rules to suppress the gallery images.


Message 20 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

I agree with the others. I am now getting totally irrelevant "saved searches" results, in which the returns match "any" words rather than "all" words as originally intended. This is atrocious and the results are useless.  I guess that I need to edit all my saved searches to avoid this spam. 

Message 21 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

I am now getting totally irrelevant "saved searches" results, in which the returns match "any" words rather than "all" words as originally intended.


Changing the format of the Saved Searches page should not affect the operation of the searches themselves, so you may be having a different issue entirely. Either your saved searches no longer are limited to the original categories due to category changes by eBay, the results you are seeing have your keywords (or close substitutes) located in the item specifics, or else something else about the search has changed.


If you want help with this you may want to start your own thread. Be sure to include an example saved search that turns up results you think should not be matching your search criteria.


Message 22 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Agree with you all.

Please give us the option to select the old view. Can't view keywords used....this sucks.

What the hell eBay?


Message 23 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

It is awful. Let's take something easy to use and on a single page view and make it an obnoxious huge mess that I have to scroll forever to run a search on what I am looking to find.  This is a perfect example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".



Message 24 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

PLEASE give back our old view of SAVED SEARCHES.  Not only does this new look require lots of scrolling, my search criteria changed, and whenever I 'back one page' it always returns me to the top of the list.  Just awful.


Message 25 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Agree --- "Saved Searches" used to be a list.  It was quick and simple to know if you had marked an item for notifications.  Now it's an array of large pictures, and takes longer to move through the list.  It's more needless change for the sake of change ... not thinking of human factors and interface.  "Leave Things Alone!  If it ain't broke .... don't mess with it!" is correct ...

Message 26 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Ugh Exactly!


**bleep** ebay always screwing things up!  Not to mention the new 12.9% fees on selling!

Message 27 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

I completely agree with everything written here. Going to start my own thread to increase the noise on this topic - as should everyone, I think - more threads, more noise - more reason for eBay to take notice of this topic. It's so absurd it's going to be a multi-way deal-breaker for me in my use of ebay to buy and sell.


Why has eBay completely RUINED / DESTROYED saved searches?

Is eBay trying to make me boycott their services and use other local auction sites with all the crap changes they've made lately?
eBay have COMPLETELY RUINED saved searches (which is one of the main reasons I use this platform).
All my saved searches have relocated to worldwide searches by default. This is completely useless to me.
I now get tons of useless saved search email from international eBay sellers which I cannot buy from - and is not how I originally saved my searches ( originally set my saved searches to Australia ONLY - and this used to work great for years until recently).

What's with all this picture / icon crap on my saved search list that makes it incredibly difficult to navigate? All I want is a saved search LIST with hyperlinks and ability to edit - just like before these TERRIBLE CHANGES. What kind of idiot / moron pushed for these changes?

I've spent the entire morning searching for alternatives to eBay and have found some viable candidates that will suit my needs.

eBay is trying to be a web 2.9 or 3.0 website, when it should stick to being a web 1.0 - 1.9 website,
just as it has done for around 30 years.
This is what has MADE it successful, and KEPT it successful.
They're messing with the formula now and IT SUCKS.

Message 28 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

Not only that with their monkeying around they have stuffed up the view new listings for saved searches. Before you'd get an email saying 3 NEW: Cameras, you'd click on this and it would show thumbnails of the 3 cameras. Now when clicking on this email it comes up with view all items. So you can't see exactly what the 3 new cameras are and you get a massive thumbnail list of all results in the category of cameras. I agree if it ain't broke don't fix (stuff/change) it. Ebay have now ruined this for me to view new listings with saved searches.

Message 29 of 35
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Re: New Look of My Saved Searches Pages

When I try to save a search it tells me I'm at my limit & I need to delete some. Yet when I see a heart and an envelope, I assume the envelope is an email? But what's the heart? When you hover, it should tell you what it does. It's not intuitive.

They must be doing this for a reason. Maybe angry people buy more. They know us better than we know us. We know that you spend more time on their site looking for things. You spend more time on the computer instead of doing other things you need to do. They also make it impossible to reach them by phone. 

They don't appreciate their customers on a very deep level.

Message 30 of 35
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