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Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Hey just wanted to give a shout out to Ebay.  Letting you know you are doing a swell job of getting rid of the little guys who had cool things to offer.


I am here everyday.  I came here to buy something, something I bought a year ago and then a year before that.  Used to be a huge selection of used and pre-owned as well as new.  I could go through, pick the seller and item I wanted and had a decent choice of things to buy.


Now that you have chased away the little sellers, guess what is left......yep the ones who only sell new or the prices have jumped considerably with little or no selection.  No longer the saturday warrior that I liked to buy from.  Oh yeah they offer the free returns but you see, I HAVE NO DESIRE TO RETURN WHAY I WANT TO BUY.




I am guessing that my business is not good enough for you here.  Yep, I sell here too and if you peruse these boards you know who I am, so I have been dissapointed for a while with the seller aspect and now really dissapointed as a buyer too.  


Thanks again 


Message 1 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

How can you say that the sellers will get nothing from eBay for all their trouble? They'll get the shaft the way they always do.

Just wanted to point that out for you. 🙂
Message 31 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Hi, I just wanted to remind everyone of this post back in April. I wish eBay had taken it seriously and done something about it. Read again, it's worth your time if you haven't read it. I copied this starting with the post and writer below:

EBAY should split itself into two so it can have the New & Improved & the Original
04-16-2018 12:35:28 AM
It has become obvious to most of us sellers that eBay has made so many changes that no one recognizes it anymore. I have a solution for you eBay. Why not have eBay and eBay 2?? The original could be named Classic EBay. You could then have this new and improved eBay you are destroying the old 'tried and true' oiginal ebay for. Everything would be brand new and shiny in your new one but the older one that everyone loved and still wants would be available also. All your sellers could decide at the beginning which eBay they want to be a part of and your buyers wouldn't be confused either about which store had what. Give us the older original with equal competition and visibility between sellers the way it was in the beginning without all the bells and whistles you are placing on the new one. Just don't destroy the original eBay to make way for this 'new' image you have in mind that is not proven. If you will just think about this, it really does make since. Use your older software and stuff for the older eBay. We sellers who will choose this eBay will live with it the way it was, and you can pour your money into this new fantasy/idea you have for everything new. Surely you must know on some level that there is a place for the old eBay with all its vintage, antiques, one of a kind, used and never seen before kind of stuff it used to sell and still would if you would only take the time to show to your customers. It would be a win, win situation for both you and the sellers. Everyone would have what they want then. You, more money with an exclusive new place with both eBay's up and running and the sellers who still want to be here that you are now trying to push out to make room for the new sellers. There is room for both types of sellers if you would only think about it. This is one of the best ideas anyone has given you in a long time and it was free. You didn't have to pay me anything for this and maybe you should fire a few others who are paid way too much who couldn't come up with something so simple and doable. Please consider this before you loose a goldmine of tried and true sellers who still are willing to be a part of moving you forward to the next level by bringing you back to your beginnings where you should be. There is enough room for both types of eBay's so make it happen. I will even offer my services to keep it going if you will just give it a try. Please, please, consider what I have said, think about it, please. And thank you for at least taking the time to read about one of the best recommendations you've been given some time. I still love eBay and want it to succeed but not by destroying what it was. There's a better way.
Message 32 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Hi, I just posted a copy from a Post from April about this very thing. Post #32. If you haven't already read it, you might find it interesting. Check it out.
Message 33 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Also China STEALS ideas from the Patent office, they do not follow the rules we have to here in the US. also allot of stuff advertised on TV like the Tac This and that, special ops this and that is all made in China so if you buy that junk your on your own.
Message 34 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Well, the new Chinese tariffs should help us sellers in US, a LOT. Fingers crossed, but I THINK we just might see some improvement from this. FAIR TRADE. GO President Trump!
Message 35 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!


Who comes up with this changes and Who backs them up?!!!

Message 36 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

My wife says the exact same things. She used to buy a lot on Ebay even before I was a seller. She closed her account completely as she has no interest in Chinese garbage and spending far too much time having to sort through what ebay "knows better than you what you want" instead of what you are actually looking for.


Note to Heir Wenig...No matter how advanced your AI gets it will NEVER know better than a customer what that customer is looking for!

Message 37 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

@plumbingspecials wrote:
Supposedly with the change in how searches are now done, you can choose only sellers from a particular country. This should weed out China sellers. The key is to read the entire listing, especially the specifics box and the shipping and payments tab. The information is definitely there, eBay just makes it difficult to find.

Except that the Chinese sellers habitually lie about their location (not to mention carpet bombing hteir items n categories they don't belong in) and ebay just lets that slide no matter how many times you report them. So filtering by geography does buttkiss...

Message 38 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

Rich, my brother, I'm with you. I still buy here, because I'm not a fan of the River, but buying has become much more of a chore. Perhaps, not as much as selling has become, but still a chore. I've contemplated moving high-end stuff to the Lane, but they have gotten very upscale in recent years, so I still need a secondary platform and the Itsy Bitsy doesn't get enough traffic. I am confident eBay will eventually make the choice for me when they roll out some outrageous requirements or have a complete meltdown (that isn't far off as I understand it).

Message 39 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

I agree the meltdown may not be far off.

I am posting this because I have been slammed whenever I have mentioned that the ebay may not be doing as well as they claim. Quarterly reports are always the first to be thrown at you. However, I would recommend that if anyone is thinking of investing (and sellers are investing) in the company they do some research. Start with researching ebay layoffs. See what employees are saying about what is going on in the company (former and current). Make up your own mind whether "streamlining and restructuring" is having a short term effect on quarterly numbers to make ebay look as if it is growing, if it is a sign of a company in trouble, or that ebay is actually growing.

I'll probably get slammed again for posting this from the "usual suspects" as I call them. I believe in people making informed decisions, making up their own minds, and not being belittled because they have a point of view.
Message 40 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

read it and remember it from early 2018. Agreed...I would still cast a vote for ebay split, Classic and New world since I am a buyer (only)  giving you guys the money ebay ends up with. I came initially for the world-wide garage sale and care nothing about the imported new junk. Most of my searches except an immediate need for right now are only "bookmarked" searches that support my hobbies in old cars and obsolete outdoor power equipment. If I need something in new technology, I definitely buy it from a small seller NOT an Asian importer, imposter, or an Amazon roadie selling on ebay.  I would, as a more viable option than the new box store ebay, vote for a disappearance of ebay entirely. When the identity of classic is no longer distinguishable, I will also go away with my purse. Additionally, someone commented about A.I.  at ebay....if any intelligence exists there it is ARTIFICIAL. Bought a lawn tractor deck belt,,,,,ebay suggested "Frequently bought together"  my belt + 6 pack worx battery weedeater line spools+RC model car remote control!!  They have nothing in common, except listed on ebay and being "pushed" at checkout!! This drives buyers away, not attracts them.

Message 41 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

@ted$95 wrote:
What is the river (AMAZON - They get touchy about the venue that "shall not be named here") and OP (OPENING POSTER - person starting the thread) expressed?


Message 42 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

@ted$95 wrote:
What is the river and OP expressed?


amazon - river

op - opening poster

Message 43 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!


Message 44 of 52
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Re: Hey thanks Ebay..........for a JOB well done!

@nessas_nook wrote:
I agree the meltdown may not be far off.

I am posting this because I have been slammed whenever I have mentioned that the ebay may not be doing as well as they claim. Quarterly reports are always the first to be thrown at you. However, I would recommend that if anyone is thinking of investing (and sellers are investing) in the company they do some research. Start with researching ebay layoffs. See what employees are saying about what is going on in the company (former and current). Make up your own mind whether "streamlining and restructuring" is having a short term effect on quarterly numbers to make ebay look as if it is growing, if it is a sign of a company in trouble, or that ebay is actually growing.

I'll probably get slammed again for posting this from the "usual suspects" as I call them. I believe in people making informed decisions, making up their own minds, and not being belittled because they have a point of view.




If you notice the only numbers that Ebay throws out with all the fanfare is the GMV which is the Gross sales not including returns or the 15% sale discounts that Ebay classifies as marketing or advertising.  That number is also NOT audited so Ebay can say whatever number they want, especially since Sellers Hub includes shipping AND SALES TAX as part of your gross Sales.  So every year when shipping costs go up, so does Ebays GMV reported to Wall Street.  


When the audited Financial Statements come out they are a much more reflective representation of where Ebay stands, but those rarely get discussed because Ebay would have a lot of explaining to do as to why these numbers are so much lower than what is quickly reported to Wall Street.  If you ever want to get a true picture of what is happening with a company, look at their Audited Financial Statements (which are usually readily available online), but also check out the 10Q (Quarterly) and 10K (annually) reports that they file with the SEC as they are extremely informative and actually advertise what Ebays dreams for the future are as they must disclose what the plans and goals for the company are going forward.  These reports are some great fictional reading most of the time, but you can actually pick up some useful information as to what Ebay is really doing.


Ebay is investing heavily in their partnerships with the Chinese Government in manufacturing facilities and preparing certain Chinese cities which have strategic placement for faster and quicker shipping to other countries.  Ebay hopes this is how they will be able to replace the US sellers as they goods that are produced are cheap and knockoffs of US products with no royalties paid for patents or anything else.  Since these items are shipped individually directly to the customer most of this will also slip through the cracks with the new tarrifs as they are not containers full of product that state what they really are.  Much of this will be Epacket items or other smaller packaged items that never wind up getting opened and tracked like the containers do.  Ebay's CEO has continually stated that China is Ebays future and that is exactly how this company is now run, with US sellers paying for things until Ebay no longer needs them.  But shipping costs from China will be changing soon and once all the US sellers are gone Ebay will need the Chinese to raise their prices in order for them to survive and that is when the Chinese sales will tank as there will no longer be the cheap knock offs sitting around, but overpriced knock offs being sold to keep Ebay alive and well or the Chinese investment in this quickly goes down the drain.


It is difficult to find out much current information about these partnerships and the investments that Ebay is making but every once in awhile new information surfaces showing that Ebay is still on track with their Chinese partnerships.  I am not speaking about the older 2014-2015 articles but recent articles from 2017-2018 that manage to surface once in awhile, but overall Ebay keeps those announcements quiet as they do not want that information going public yet.  Ebay used to have $9.5 billion in cash sitting offshore, but that amount is now down to $5.0 billion.  Any thoughts on where that money has gone to?  I will give you a hint, its not the cost of Sellers Hub by a long shot as Ebay is doing that on the Cheap with offshore companies hired to design the clunky program.  The old adage that you get what you pay for continues to ring true with this new platform.  Hopefully there is still enough information out there for the public to learn about the True Ebay.


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