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Accidentally bid on item from new seller (account created just for the listing in question). Scam?

I just placed a bid on a computer processor,  reasonably priced, but not in the 'too good to be true' range.  After bidding, I noticed that the user had 0 feedback and that the account was created specifically for the listing on which I bid (I got sloppy, I guess).

I emailed the seller, asking for some sort of assurance that they are legit.  But what could I really do beyond asking them to claim to be on the level (and if they aren't, its not like they would admit it anyway)? No response yet.


My question, I guess, is: how likely would you say I am to get scammed by buying from a new user with no reviews who created the account specifically for the auction in question (never having been a buyer before, much less a seller)?


My gut is that this is a scam.  I would think it is normal for a user to participate as a buyer for some time before trying their hand as a seller.  That they should create an account and jump immediately into selling is a big red flag, IMO.


Can I cancel the bid? Is the Buyer Protection Program effective if I do get scammed? More generally - does this listing stike others as suspicious. or am I overly paranoid?

Message 1 of 18
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Accidentally bid on item from new seller (account created just for the listing in question). Scam?

Calm down. Could be this person created an eBay account just to sell this one thing. Not everyone's trying to build a business on here.

MBG has you covered if you end up receiving a faulty item. It's the seller who should be worried about the sale going wrong, not you.
Message 16 of 18
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Accidentally bid on item from new seller (account created just for the listing in question). Scam?



"Can you explain to me how you can "accidentally bid"?


The OP did not accidentally place bid.  They accidentally bid before looking at the seller's feedback number and/or profile.


There is no way a person can  Accidentally bid, not with the steps involved. People do bid on the wrong item by mistake, do not read everything before bidding, and bid when there isn't time to check out all the info. 


  However, there are some who would have us believe they own cats, dogs, a pet rat once, and infants, who were able to magically do the right number of things to complete the steps for bidding, including confirming the bid.  Some of the stories are priceless, and I had many saved until my old computer's hard drive bit the dust. The rat story caused to spray coffee all over my screen, and laugh so hard i woke up my wife.

Message 17 of 18
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Accidentally bid on item from new seller (account created just for the listing in question). Scam?

@mudshark61369 wrote:



"Can you explain to me how you can "accidentally bid"?


The OP did not accidentally place bid.  They accidentally bid before looking at the seller's feedback number and/or profile.


There is no way a person can  Accidentally bid, not with the steps involved. People do bid on the wrong item by mistake, do not read everything before bidding, and bid when there isn't time to check out all the info. 


  However, there are some who would have us believe they own cats, dogs, a pet rat once, and infants, who were able to magically do the right number of things to complete the steps for bidding, including confirming the bid.  Some of the stories are priceless, and I had many saved until my old computer's hard drive bit the dust. The rat story caused to spray coffee all over my screen, and laugh so hard i woke up my wife.

I figured as much haha, I was imagining someone standing by the computer tripping and hitting number keys and then tripping again and their mouse cursor hitting the bid button.

Message 18 of 18
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