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2 Phantom Searches Sending Emails

I'm receiving email results from 2 searches.  These searches are NOT in my "Saved Searches" or my "Followed Searches".


If anyone can tell me how to stop getting results from these searches I'd greatly appreciate it.   I can't delete the searches since I can't see them. ;-}


I'll happily post the searches here if it will help.


Thanks SO MUCH!

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Re: 2 Phantom Searches Sending Emails

How long have you been getting them?


Are they things you ever looked for?

Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 2 of 5
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Re: 2 Phantom Searches Sending Emails

In Site Preferences, you can eliminate many kinds of e-mails from eBay. What you describe may be considered a "marketing" e-mail.

My Glass Duchess
Quoting Mom: In polite society, "hey" is for horses.
Message 3 of 5
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Re: 2 Phantom Searches Sending Emails

Yes, they're results I've been and am still searching for.

It's probably been happening for several months but I didn't notice til a few weeks ago when I tried to modify the searches but couldn't cause they were no where to be found!

My guess is that when I modified these searches Ebay didn't delete/modify them correctly.

Ebay thinks these searches are there because I have 98 searches but when I try to add a new search it won't let me cause it says I have 100 searches.

This is the beginning of 1 of the incorrect searches:

glass heavy (green,emerald) (abstract,art,tulip,clamshell,clam,freeform)

It will take me a while to find the other if it would help you.  It's a "South Park" search.

These are definitely NOT marketing messages.

Thanks SO MUCH again!

Message 4 of 5
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Re: 2 Phantom Searches Sending Emails

What happens if you try to save those searches again? Do you get the "you already have 100 searches" error?

Maybe you could copy a couple of your other searches to a text file temporarily, delete those searches to allow soom room for new searches, and then try to save the new searches again. If that works they might become visible and deletable. Then you can redo the couple you saved to the file.
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