I have a question concerning a book that I have. However, it really isn't a book. It is "Thirty-Three Years among Our Wild Indians, by Colonel Richard Dodge and printed in 1883. But, the original book has about 600+ pages, and this one has about 100 pages. It is a hardcovered book that contains excerpts from the original book, plus many testimonies. In the back are several pages of of subscriber's names and addresses that are in their own hand. It starts with Chester Arthur, White House, and on it goes for many pages with mostly famous people. There are also a couple of pages of original signitures of local people who ordered the book. (Quite sure the first signitures are printed, but they sure look good). I think all of the steel engravings and colored lithographs that are in the first edition are in this "book". Also a leather portion of the spine and cover of a original book are pasted on the inside of the cover of this, probably to show the customer what it will look like. I sure hope all of this makes sense. My questions are what would you call this book (if it has a name), and is there any value to it. I have tried to do research on it, but just found the real book, but not this. Thank you very much for reading this.