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A book that looks like nothing.

There are quite a few books that don't look like anything special. Here's one:

Security Analysis

Message 1 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.

Hi - I am new to this site - found it the other day then forgot how to get back! I haven't sold many books - am just learning the proper way. I worry about finding a book with an autograph and not being able to confirm that it's the real thing. Secondly, what do the initials FOL mean? (sorry to be so dumb) Thirdly, my greatest find so far was finding an "Old Man & the Sea" by Hemingway at a yard sale for a quarter, and I almost passed it up! On second thought, grabbed it and when I got home I found out it was a first. Sold it for $102. It didn't have a dust jacket. That was fun! What do initials on the copyright page mean - like CL ? Thanks - I really have appreciated reading all your ideas and advice.
Message 991 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.


FOL is Friends of the Library

Many public and some private library's have a group of people with a organization by that name. They aid the library in many ways such as volunteers for running the library store to cleaning bathrooms. Often these groups run a book sale to make money for the library. They sell donated books and ex-library books. As a member of these groups, you often get to go to a PRE-sale, as so get first shot at the better value books.

I would need more information to identify the CL, such as placement on the page, i.e. context, but likely there are some who know much more than I on here that can possible answer that question for you.
Message 992 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.

Thank you.

I'll also mention I bought a box of old Montana magazines at a yard sale, paying a high of $20. I thought I'd really busted my budget. I finally got around to posting them, and most of them were from the first years of publication in the 50s, I found out, and had been illustrated by and featured the art of Charles M. Russell and other artists of the Old West. One magazine sold for $150! Several more sold for $50 and $60 each! I came away with around $400 for that lot. Whew! Perhaps if you get the earliest copies of a magazine, you can realize some $$$
Message 993 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.

Just completed a sale #320046720206 for a historical book for the USS Wasp Aircraft Carrier. B/W pics of WWII, crew, launching, etc. The book cost $2.02 at a thrift store. It really didn't look like "nothing" but I was actually hoping for $10-$20. Sale ended at $116.50 and I got emails asking if I had more....(I wish).
Message 994 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.

1 k

The Unfair Advantage
Mark Donohue
Message 995 of 1,978
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A book that looks like nothing.

The latest index to "A Book that Looks Like Nothing"... 20Nov2006

In the interest of saving space this is the index to this thread and appears at the top of each page... reference numbers are approximate since eBay later deleted three postings in the #700 range... for more details please refer to the middle of page #21 posting #838 dated 05Mar2006

5 To Die by Jerry LeBlanc (pb)
Abba: The Complete Recording Sessions (1994)
AB Bookman - been defunct for years, if your library has back issues (#736)
A Biographical Dictionary of Saints by the Rt. Rev. E.G. Holweck (#888)
A Brief Introduction to the Infinitesimal Calculus, Designed Especially to Aid in Reading Mathematical Economics and Statistics by Irving Fisher (1897)
A Dance in Blood Velvet by Freda Warrington
Adventures in Unhistory by Avram Davidson
A Course In Miracles (#755)
A Girl and Five Brave Horses by Sonora Carver Ex-Library fair copy (#849)
A Hermit in the House by Helena Olson - about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#740)
Alaskan Tales by Russell Annabel
Alcoholics Anonymous 1st Edition (2nd Ed is becoming rare)
Alcoholics Anonymous 1st Edition (#759-760)
Aleister Crowley: The Man: The Mage: The Poet by Charles Richard Cammell (1st Ed) (#769)
Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators by Robert Arthur
Alice in Wonderland The Illustrated Modern Library edition
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed by Neil Clark Warren ('s founder)
A Mathematical Theory of Evidence by Glenn Shafer
American Homes To-day by Augusta Owen Patterson
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis - pb 1st printing is first ed - potentially $$ (#803)
Anamorphs #49: The Ultimate published by Scholastic (#800-801)
An Aperture Monograph by Diane Arbus, copyright 1972 1st printing of 1st ed, hc w/dj (#984)
And Miles to Go by Linell Smith
An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English by Ernest Weekley (1921)
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, Pocket Books 1st printing
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (#745-6)
Animorphs #49 (#893)
Aran Knitting by Alice Starmore
Army of the Potomac by Bruce Catton,3 book set,trade/BCE dj/no dj (#812)
Art of the Comeback by Donald Trump
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold (first edition only, zillions of others nothing)
Aspects of the Tain, editor J P Mallory ISBN 0951706829 (#714)
A Stranger's Arms by Carla Laymon (aka Richard Laymon) A Dark Desire Romance (pb)
Atomics for the Millions by Maxwell Leigh Eidinoff and Hyman Ruchlis
Australian Cattle Dogs The First Five Years 1980-1985 (#825-826)
Authentic Arabrian Bloodstock by Judith Forbis (#793)
Authorized Al by Weird Al Yankovic (pb)
Avalon Hill War Games - just about any of the role playing material (#733)
A Wonderful Time by Slim Aarons
Bald As I Wanna Be by Tony Kornheiser
Barawitzka Lauter Kapitäne, keine Matrosen by Karl Vettermann written in German (#827)
Beat the Market: A Scientific Stock Market System by Edward Thorp (1st prtg 1967) (also #792)
Bed Number Ten by Mary Zimmeth Schomaker
Beginning The World by Karen Armstrong
Bells of Lowell Series by Tracie Peterson (even pb's)
Best Friends by Mary Bard
Best Friends at School by Mary Bard
Best Friends in Summer by Mary Bard
Better Homes and Gardens Story Book - 1950 (#912)
Beyond the PawPaw Trees: The Story of Anna Lavinia by Palmer Brown
Billionaire by Ivan Fallon
Billion Dollar Baby by Bob Greene (fair pb will go for good$$$s)
Black Jack Ketchum, Last Of The Hold-Up Kings by E Bartholomew
Black's Law Dictionary (1,2,3 editions bring the most)
Blinded by the Right by David Brock
Blood of her Ancestors by Lucy Agnes Hancock (Harlequin Romance)
Born of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon (a Kinley MacGregor fantasy romance) (pb)
Bounce Girl by Dean & Gerda Koontz 1970 (#960)
Bruce Catton's Army of the Potomac,3 book set,trade/BCE dj/no dj (#812)
Bubble Bubble by Mercer Mayer
Buford - True Story of Walking Tall Sheriff Buford Pusser
Bushwacked by Molly Ivans
Calico, Shall it be another Pandora's Box (1940's mining claims pamphlet)
Call Me Chestaloozy by Lord Chesterfield Radcliff Boxer (#985)
Canes and Walking Sticks by Stein - Softcover (#834)
Cardiff Yesterday (#19 in the series) by Stewart Williams (#879)
Carney's House Party by Maud Hart Lovelace
Carnival Strippers by Susan Meiselas
Carola by Felix Forrest
Caroline books by Jane Carruth and Pierre Probst
Catalog Raisonne, although the book is in a foreign language, it's a keeper
Cherry Ames Nurse Series books circa 1940's (childrens)
Cherry Ames Student Nurse (1943)
Cherry Ames Veteran's Nurse (1946)
Childcraft Books
Chinchilla News C.A.A.'s National Yearbook (1952-1953) (#990-994)
Chip Hilton (sports) books by Claire Bee
Choose Life or Death, The Reams Biological Theory of Ionization by A R Harrison (pb) (1978)
Christiane F., the autobiography of a heroin addict (#903, 904)
Clifford by Norman Bridwell and anything by the same author
Coal by Jason Grant (pb)
Coin World (#741)
Collin's Black Hills History and Directory for 1878-9 Chas Collins, Dakota Territory (1878)
Columbia University Alumni Directory 2004
Common Sense by Thomas Paine (paperback) 1976 by Medallic Arts Company (#748)
Cooperative Business Enterprise
Crimson Night by Trisha Baker (pre #709 also see #806)
Curious George by Margaret and H A Rey and anything by the same authors
Curly by Frank Vandenberg
Cycles of the Werewolf by Stephen King (hb 1st ed) (also #792)
Danger Below by John Blaine
Dark Tower IV, Wizard and Glass by Stephen King 1st Ed HB (#902)
Day Trading with Short Term Price Patterns & Opening Range Breakout by Toby Crabel
Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell
Devils Guard by George Robert Elford (pb)
Dianetics by L Ron Hubbard
Digital Fortress by Dan Brown
Disco by Albert Goldman
Disco Bloodbath
Doc Savage double novels from the 80s by Bantam
Don Quixote De La Mancha 1797 (all 5 volumes) in good condition (#862)
Don Quixote De La Mancha 1797/1798 in Spanish 5 vol in leather (#950)
Don Quixote De La Mancha 1800's in English (#950)
Don Sturdy at Glacier Bay (#721)
Down the Colorado by John Wesley Powell
Dragon Sword and Wind Child by Noriko Ogiwara
Dunaway, Reminiscences of a Rebel by Neale, 1913 (#784, 785)
Dungeons & Dragons (Original D&D Set) (1973-1979) (#725)
Dungeons & Dragons War Games - just about any of the role playing material (#733)
Dynamic Judo Throwing Techniques by Kazuzo Kudo (1967)
Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule by Isaac Asimov
Economics of Stationary States, by A C Pigou, Macmillan. 1935
Eighteen Straight Whiskeys by Michael Easton
Emily Of Deep Valley by Maud Hart Lovelace (1950 First Printing)
Empty and Full The Language of Chinese Painting Francois Cheng 1994, Shambala Softcover
Enter Whining by Fran Drescher (#770 states it is no longer worth the $ to invest)
Erin's Sons in America: The Ancient Order of Hibernians by John T Ridge (pb)
Everybody's Shakespeare by Roger Hill and Orson Welles
Experience of Landscape by Appleton (#737)
Experimental Animation: Origins of a New Art by Robert Russett & Cecile Starr (editors) (#727)
Exploring Creation With Biology (textbook) by Dr Jay L Wile
Eye of the World by Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series, book 1 (pb)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High by Cameron Crowe (pb)
Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs
Ferromagnetism by Richard M Bozeworth (#799)
Fiction by Joseph Altsheler
Field Guide To Japanese Birds
Fighter Gunnery, Army Air Forces Training Command, 1st ed, June 1944, prepared by The Army Air Forces Training Command in Matagorda Peninsula, Foster Field, TX (#788/#5345 of AskAny)
Fighting For Life, Contest, Sexuality, & Consciousness by Walter J. Ong - sc, 1st pb ed 1989
Folium Reservatum by George Catlin
Frankenstein by Shelley (19th century editions)
French Pasrty, Confectionery and Sweets by E.J. Kollist -1939 (#931-933)
Frogs Into Princes by Richard Bandler
Fused Salts (Chemistry/Electrochemistry)
Garland Reference Library of the Humanities (Some titles seem worth looking for) (#719)
Generalized Compliance Training by Siegrfired Engelmann
Goodnight Moon by Clifford and anything by the same author
Goose Fever by Douglas McDougall (Magnum Edition)
Gor (science fiction) by John Norman (usually pb)
Gordon Press - any technology title
Gray's Manual of Botany 8th Ed. Edited by M L Fernald
Green Bay Workhorses, The Nau Tug Line by George Nau Burridge
Greenberg's Guide to Gilbert Erector Sets Vol 2 1933-1962 by William Bean published in 1998
Gregg Press SF sets produced in 1975-1986 libraries are starting to deaccession
Hallucinogenic Plants by Richard Evans Schultes (A Golden Guide) (#868)
Handbook of Electron Tube and Vacuum Techniques by Fred Rosebury (#799)
Handbook of Iron Meteorites by Vagn F. Buchwald
Handbook of Materials and Techniques for Vacuum Devices by Walter H Kohl (#799)
Hangover Square by Patrick Hamilton
Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People by John or Alan Lomax (pb)
Hansen Handbook for Piloting the Inland Waters of Pugent Sound... by R F Farwell 1931 (#935)
Heath Nostalgia by Terry Perdue (pb) (#895)
Heaven's Prisoners by James Lee Burke
Heinlein Juveniles - printed by Scribners in hard cover (#799)
Hercule Poirot
High Time by Mary Lasswell (1944)
Hike and the Aeroplane by Tom Graham (pseud for Sinclair Lewis)
History of England 1801 first edition (#721)
History of the Donner Party by C. F. McGlashan (plain pb)
Hooper Humperdink by Theo LeSieg
Howard Hughes and the Spruce Goose by John McDonald
How I found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne (#939-940)
How I Turned $1,000.00 into (1,3,5) Million in Real Estate in My Spare Time by Wm Nickerson
HOWITZER West Point Military Academy yearbooks (#892)
Howl for Carl Solomon by Allen Ginsberg
How Many Miles to Babylon by Violet Needham (#738)
How To Build A Working Digital Computer by Edward Alcosser 1969 (#867)
How to Make a Telescope by Jean Texereau (#710)
How to Make the Stock Market Make Money For You by Ted Warren 1966 (#808)
How to Run a Pressure Group
How to Wrap Five Eggs
How to Wrap Five More Eggs
Humic, Fulvic, and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning by William R. Jackson PhD
Hung by Leonard Chris (pseudonym for Dean Koontz) - adult pb 1970 (#958)
Iceberg by Clive Cussler 1996 BCE
I'd Rather Be the Devil: Skip James and the Blues by Stephen Calt (1994)
Ilsa by Madeliene L'Engle
Impromptu In Moribundia by Patrick Hamilton
In God's Name
International Correspondense School Textbooks, ICS - home machinists and hobbyists (#799)
In The Hebrides by Alice Starmore
In the Wet by Nevil Shute
Introduction to Early American Masonry, Stone, Brick, Mortar, and Plaster by Harley J McKee
Israel Without Zionism by Uri Averny (Collier 1971) pocket book
James Joyce and Heraldry by Michael J. O'Shea
J D Salinger: A Writing Life by Ian Hamilton (The advance proof only)
Jesus of the Emerald by Gene Stratton Porter (#962)
Jim Thorpe: Tar Heel by Robert W Reising
Journey to Enchantment by Patricia Veryan
Kappa Sigma Book Semi Centennial Edition '20
Keep it Simple Stupid by Judge Judy
Keepsake Quilting (cookbook) ISBN 0970413009
Killy by Donald Westlake
Lakeside Press
Lazy Liza Lizard by Mary Curtis Rains (#766)
Leadbelly by John or Alan Lomax (pb)
Left-handed Knitting by Regina Hulburt in paperback (#794)
Legal Horn Books
Let's Tat
Liberace's Cookbook
Life and Times of S Glenn Young World Famous Law Enforcement Officer
Little Golden Books and similar children's books - early printings (#799)
Living Bible
Locomotive Cyclopedia
Lone Wolf 25: Trail of the Wolf, by Joe Dever, Adventure Gamebook
Los funerales de la Mamá Grande by García Márquez, Gabriel (1962 1st Ed)
Lure of the Bush by Arthur Upfield
Lyric Philosophy (#916)
Machinery Handbook any
Machinery's Handbook 1st ed 1914
Magica Sexualis (about sex and the occult) (#885)
Maida's Little Treasure Hunt by Inez Haynes Irwin
Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison (1966) (basis for movie 'Soylent Green')
Manifold Destiny, 1989 version, paperback (#804)
Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong by Lawrence Lessing
Manual of Flotation Processes
Manual to the Lutheran Book of Worship
Marble's Knives and Axes by Konrad F Schreier Jr - 1978 Beinfeld Publishing paperback (#840)
Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful by Seth A Klarman
Marihuana by William Irish (pseudonym of Cornell Woolrich) pb
Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion-Dollar Market by Maria T. Bailey
Marks of American Silversmith's by Belden
Masterpieces in Colour: Rosetti (#855)
Master Scheduling, Second Edition by John F Proud (#775)
Maximizing Small Business Growth: Developing A Bank's Game Plan By Charles B Wendel
May There Be a Road by Louis L'Amour, a leatherette edition (#963-964)
Men At Work by Lewis Hine 1st Edition
MIT Radiation Lab Series - any, especially Index vol.
Modeling the Earth for Oil Exploration : Final Report of the Cec's Geoscience I Program 1990-3
Monastery by Patrick Whalen (pb run of the mill brought $60)
Monkeys by Susan Minot
Montana magazines in the 1950's (#998)
Moongate, Suppressed Findings of the US Space Program by William L. Brian - paperback (#833)
Mormon Encyclopedias, two large volumes, brand new (#847)
Mount Everest 1951 Expedition by Eric Shipton - famous for 2 pictures of Yeti footprints (#752)
Mr. Piper and His Cubs by Devon Francis, copyright 1973, stated 1st edition
Murray's Handbook in Japan
My First Sixty Years in Advertising by Maxwell Sackheim
My Life With Boxers by Friederun Stockmann HB 1968 (#985)
Navy Blue: A Study Of Cadet Life Annapolis 1898 by Willis Boyd Allen (#948)
New Weather by Paul Muldoon
Ninety and One Years by Julia Thigpen (#810)
Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos: w/Applications in Physics,Biology,Chemistry by Steven Strogatz
No Third Path by Joseph Novak [Jerzy Kosinski] (1962)
Now and on Earth by Jim Thompson
Number Knitting: The New All-Way Stretch Method by Virginia Woods Bellamy
Oddkins by Dean Koontz lst Edition
On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors by J Patrick Wright (1979) (re: John DeLorean)
Once A Runner by John Parker - The early PB edition with the white (not red) cover (#877)
Only A Dog by Bertha Smith
Only Two Can Play This Game by G. Spencer-Brown (1st ed; used HB) (#820, 821)
On The Way (a WWII Batallion history book) (#828)
Open House Cookbook by Rachael Ray
Operation Mind Control by Walter Bowart (#749)
Origen by Jean Danielou translated by Walter Mitchell
Pacific Coast Highway by Alice Starmore
Pacific Crest Trailway by Clinton C Clarke, 1945 (ex-Library sells) (#943)
Paddy the Next Best Thing - by unknown (1925) (#953)
Pandora of Parhham Royal by Violet Needham (#738)
Papa Married a Mormon by Fitzgerald
Paprika by Erich Von Stroheim 1st Ed (#845)
Phantom by Susan Kay
Pictures by Garth Williams (?Published 1951 Simon and Schuster?)
Poems of Childhood illustrated by Maxfield Parrish
Poems of Dawn by the Watchtower 1912 copyright, published in 1918 (#927)
Poetry for Students (it's a textbook) (#850)
Pooh's Library
Portrait of a Capitalist by Henry Huttleston Rogers (Railroadiana)
Poster Girls - Printed in 1980 or 81 (#878)
Practical Solution of Torsional Vibration Problems: With examples from... - 1925 (#924)
Prince Caspian by C S Lewis - only in the earliest editions (#950)
Principles of Violin Playing and Teaching Galamian 1962 Prentice Hall (#747)
Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor (green cover = $$) (#768)
Process of Elimination - A Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Super Mystery (1998 Paperback) (#954-955)
Prospero's Beer Bottling (Principals or Principles or Handbook?) (#978)
Pubblicita in Italia (Advertising in Italy), 1967/68 and other years (#726)
Pumpkin Moonshine by Tasha Tudor
Questions for My Father: Finding the Man behind your Dad by Vincent Staniforth (1998)
Race, Class, and the Struggle for Neighborhood in Washington DC by Nelson Kofie
Rachael Ray's Open House Cookbook
Radiotron Designers Handbook (4th ed only)
Real Estate Opportunities by Edward Ruscha
Reality in Advertising by Rosser Reeves (#787)
Realm of Algebra by Isaac Asimov (#755)
Rebecca's World by Terry Nation (creator of Dr. Who)
Recuerdos de Santa Fe by Willard Clark
Redbook Magazine from the 1950's which contain Dr. Seuss stories (#913-14)
Red Rose of Ruvina by Violet Needham (#738)
Red Shoes For Nancy by Marguerite Hamilton (#757-758)
Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer (Audiobook)
Religions, Values by Maslow
Reprisal by F Paul Wilson (1991) Dark Harvest/1st Ed (#956)
Researching the Family by Child Trends, Inc (Soft Cover)
Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P Newton (#780)
Ria by Felix Forrest
Rick Brant Science
Rivers of Memory by Harry Middleton
Robison's Manual of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony 1919 Navy
Robotman cartoon books
Roswell High paperbacks with the tv series actors on the covers (#822-824)
Runaway Bunny by Clifford and anything by the same author
Sales Closing Techniques by Les Dane
Sasquatch, The Apes Among Us by John Green (#753)
Schooners in Peril: True & Exciting Stories About Tall Ships/Great Lakes by James L. Donahue
Scofield Reference Bible, King James Edition (#775)
Security Analysis (1st Editions)
Seduction Of The Innocent by Fredric Wertham
Seed Identification Manual by Alexander C. Martin and Wm D Barkely
Selected by Jane Werner (?Published 1951 Simon and Schuster?)
Shadow Ghost Makers by Little Big Book (1942, 1943)
Shadowmancer by G P Taylor
Shaggy B.E.M. Stories Edited by Mike Resnick
Sheet Metal Pattern Layouts Book (1957)
Shell Guide to Devon (the 1939 edition is 4 figures)
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
Silver Bullet by Stephen King(1985)PB 1st print (#846)
Sinden on Mushrooms
Singing Family of the Cumberlands by Jean Ritchie (1st Ed has music on rear of dj)
Sisters by Lynne Cheney (pb) (a lesbian tale of the old West)
Sixty Saints for Girls by Joan Windham - 1962 1st ed (#980-981)
Skin Summer by Dean Koontz as Ann Griffin (#960)
Skipping Village by Lois Lenski
Sky Soldier by Lawrence D Okendo (pb)
Smalltalk 80 - Addison Wesley programming books
Smart Trust Deed Investment in California by George Coats (1988)
Snow Angels by Stewart O'Nan [first edition]
Spanish Poetry by Manuel Machado
Spelling Bees by Albert Deane (1937) Illustrated by Dr Suess
Spencer Brown - Laws of Form
Splendid Isolation: Curious History of South American Mammals by George G Simpson (#727)
Sporting and Club House Guides
Spring Designer's Handbook (#748)
Steel Construction, American Institute of Steel Construction by Lee H. Miller (1928)
Stillwater by Alice Starmore
Stock Trading Wizard by Tony Oz
Stones of Summer by Dow Mossman
Sugarplum by Johanna Johnston
Suicide and Attempted Suicide ISBN's are: 0786709405 (SC) 0786704926 (Hardcover) (#892)
Sunset on Design (from the 50's and 60's (some 70's), keywords 'eames', or mod or retro)
Supplementary Volume A, Volume 3 chemistry of double-bonded fuctional groups by Saul Patai
Sweet Life by Barry Manilow
Tarzan paperbacks
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert D. Edwards and John Magee First Edition 1948
T E Lawrence - His Orders, Decorations and Medals by Ronald D Knight (#716)
Tell-a-Tale book, The Good Night Book - vintage childrens book (#938)
Tested Recipe Cook Book by Mrs. Henry Lumpkin Wilson in 1895 (#979)
The Alaska Railroad by Bernadine Prince
The American Family Series by Jack Cavanaugh
The American Quarter Horse In Pictures (1969)
The Americans by Robert Frank
The Ashley Book of Knots
The Bed Book by Sylvia Plath
The Better Homes and Gardens (design, 50's,60's,some 70's, keywords 'eames' or mod or retro)
The Big Bender by Charles Clapp Jr
The Big U by Neal Stephenson
The Big Tidy Up by Norah Smaridge (#732)
The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon
The Bounty Trilogy by Nordoff and Halls, NC Wyeth edition, trade/BCE (#812)
The Boy's Book of Pirates by George Alfred Williams, 1913 (#880-882)
The Boy Who Drew Cats by Lafcadio Hearn (1963)
The Butterfly Kid by Chester Anderson
The Butterfly Kid by Chester Anderson (#748)
The Car Builders Cyclopedia, Simmons Boardman Press (#799)
The Caroline books by Jane Carruth and Pierre Probst
The Carver Effect by Wolffgang Van Bober (#754)
The Catcher In The Rye (book club edition has photo of author on back on dustjacket)
The Catchers of Heaven by Michael Wolf - UFOs and government investigations
The Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher by Virgil Vip library copy (#789-791)
The Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis
The City Lies Four-Square by Edith Pargeter
The City Under the Back Steps by Evelyn Sidney Lampman (children's fantasy)
The Clansman by Thomas Dixon (1905) (basis for "Birth of a Nation" by D W Griffith)
The Color Purple by Alice Walker (1st Ed HB/DJ)
The Cycles of The Werewolf (pb)
The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown (#745-6)
The Devil's Jug/The Crying Tree & Me by Ken Wayne Kite
The Duality Mystery
The Evergreen Tree by Gladys Taber (1937)
The Executioners by John D MacDonald
The FBI Pyramid from the Inside by W Mark Felt
The Future Is Ours, Comrade: Conversations with Russians by Joseph Novak [Jerzy Kosinski]
The Gang They Couldn't Catch by Debra Weyermann ISBN 0671731319 (#744)
The Ghost of Opalina or Nine Lives by Peggy Bacon (library book brought almost $200)
The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies by Jane Werner
The Good Night Book, Tell-a-Tale book - vintage childrens book (#938)
The Gods of Egypt - Vols 1 & 2 by E.A. Wallis Budge, I believe 1901 (#862)
The Gods Of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (#721)
The Granite Man and the Butterfly mm pb (#844)
The Great Blueness by Arnold Lobel (including Ex-Lib and library bindings)
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald (Grosset & Dunlap reprint 1950?)(#905-9)
The Great House of Estraville by Violet Needham (Perhaps the rarest) (#738)
The Gunslinger by Stephen King (1st HB w/D)
The Hate Factory, the Story of the New Mexico Penitentary Riot
The Heckler by Ed McBain
The Hell Fire Club by Daniel P Mannix, paperback (#917)
The History of Carleton College by Rev Delavan L Leonard, D D & Alumni Guide (#878-879)
The Horse and His Boy by C S Lewis
The Horse is Dead by Robert Klane
The Hot-Wired Dodo
The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs by Clarence Little
The Initiation (paperback) by William W Johnstone (#786)
The Intelligent Man's Guide To Science: Vol 1 The Physical Sciences by Isaac Asimov
The Intelligent Man's Guide To Science: Vol 2 The Biological Sciences by Isaac Asimov
The Keepers of Light by William Crawford (subject is photography)
The King Ranch (in two volumes) by Tom Lea 4572931043 (#742)
The Last Battle by C S Lewis
The Library of Golf by Joseph S F Murdock
The Life of Washington the Great by Mason Locke (Parson) Weems 1806 Fifth Edition
The Link Family by Paxson Link (#921-922)
The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe by C S Lewis
The Little Prince Reynal & Hitchcock clothbound edition
The Mad Scene (set of 8 books) by Wm M. Gaines 1994 (#986)
The Magician's Nephew by C S Lewis
The Man in the Manhole by Juniper Sage (aka Margaret Wise Brown) (HB children's book)
The Memoirs of William Jennings Bryan, co-authored by his wife (1925)
The Most Powerful Man In The World by Glyn Roberts
The Mystery of Moma Island by Paul Buddee (#926)
The Mystery of Swordfish Reef by A W Upfield
The Mystery of the Deadly Double (Three Investigators ex-library book)
The Mystic Grimoire of Mighty Spells and Rituals by Frater Malak (#810)
The New Testament in Tibetan (#765)
The North American Indians by Ernest Berke
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 1st ed (#996)
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John Von Neuman
The Pearl by John Steinbeck
The Peter Max Book of Needlepoint by Peter Max & Susan Sommers Winer 1972 SC (#886, 889)
The Photomultiplier Handbook
The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning by Philip Friedman and Gail Eisen
The Pink Dress by Anne Alexander
The Pink Maple House by Christine Noble Govan (children's)
The Probability Pad by T. A. Waters (#748)
The Rape of the Mind, The Psychology of Thought Control, M & B by Joost Meerloo M.D. (#751)
The Real Romanovs by Gleb Botkin
The Regency Companion - Laudermilk & Hamlin (#719)
The Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Origin, History and Standard of the Breed by T C Hawley
The Rice Diet
The Rise of Silas Lapham by W R Howells
The Road to the Somme, The Ulster Division by Philip Orr
The Secret Man by Frank Dux
The Secret of the Roan Inish by Rosalie Fry small Junior series (Hyperion pb for Children 1995)
The Secret of the White Peacock by Violet Needham (#738)
The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton (1st Ed is white cloth binding ONLY)
The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford (pb or hb) (Stanley Kubrick 1987 film, Full Metal Jacket)
The Silver Chair by C S Lewis
The Sonneberg Run by George Robert Elford
The Stock Trader by Tony Oz
The Stones of Summer by Dow Mossman
The Taking by Dean Koontz a signed limited edition (#960)
The Teacher of Greeting Cards of All Kinds by D M Campana (pb)
The Tennessee Valley Authority-A Study in Public Adm. by C. Herman Pritchett 1st ed (#845)
The Theory Of The Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen
The Three Investigators (various titles)
The Three Princes of Serendip by Elizabeth Jamison Hodges
The Turbulent Years: History of the American Worker by Bernstein
The Turkey Hunter's Bible (Outdoor Bible Series) by John E. Phillips (#717-718)
The Ultimate Helm by Russ T. Howard (paperback) (#763)
The Unicorn Girl by Michael Kurland (#748)
The Untold Story by Evelyn Nesbit 1934
The Violin Hunter by William Alexander Silverman
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C S Lewis
The Washingtons and Their Homes by John W. Wayland
The Woman's Bible in two volumes by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Wonderful Adventures of Little Prince Toofat by George Randolph Chester
The Wonderful Fashion Doll by Laura Bannon (1953)
The Young Trailers by Joseph A. Altsheler 1921 1st in series of 8 (#920)
Think Your Way To Wealth by Napoleon Hill 1948 1st Ed HB (#797)
This Is Karate by Masutatsu Oyama
Thread Magic by Ellen Ann Eddy
Through the Eyes of Number Two by Mickey Guidry
Tilings and Patterns by Branko Grunbaum
Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture by Charles W Harris, Nicholas T Dines
Too Funny To Be President by Mo Udall
Trail To Nowhere By Jack Ketchum (small western hb)
Trinity by Leon Uris (autographed) (#854)
Trixie Belden (anything related)
Tropical Storm by Melissa Good (pb)
Trouble for Trumpets by Peter Dallas-Smith, illustrated by Peter Cross
Troubleshooting and Repairing Electronic Music Synthesizers (pb)
Twice Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne (c 1853)
Underwater Dance Photography
USS Wasp CV-18 Aircraft Carrier w/Photos of WWII (similar to a yearbook) (#999)
V by Pynchon Thomas
Victoria magazine, 1st issue from 1987 -Victorian themed home/garden/lifestyle magazine (#965)
Vintage American and European Watch Guide by Roy & Sherry Ehrhardt- any edition (#846)
Vintage Weddings by Daniela Turudich 1920-1959 era (#796, 798)
Vogue's Book of Houses,Gardens,People photographed by HORST/text by Valentine Lawford
Wagner the Wehr-Wolf by GW Reynolds, Dover 1975
Walking Tall by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Way Station by Clifford D. Simak
What Is Karate? by Masutatsu Oyama
What You Ought to Know About Your Baby
Who Gets The Drumstick? by Helen Beardsley (in pb or hb) (#896)
Winesburg Ohio
Winter Song
Wiped Out. How I Lost a Fortune in the Stock Market... An Anonymous Investor 1966
Witch of the Glen by Sally Watson (#795)
Wonderland Gambit: Hot Wired Dodo by Jack Chalker
Workhorse of the Western Front (a WWII Batallion history book) (#828-9)
Yo Yo Instructional Booklet published by Duncan Yo Yo Company
You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger by Roger Hall
You Should Have Been Here an Hour Ago by Phil Edwards (1967)
Your Magic Power to Persuade and Command People by Vernon Howard (#722)
Zon Power - Neo Tech books - also published under the title "Zon Power" (#731)

Abrash - Zen of Assembly Language
Altsheler, Joseph (fiction)
Bandler - Neuro Linguistic Programming (#731)
Beranek - Acoustics books
Brent-Dyer, Elinor - British children's books from the 1940s and 1950s (#738)
Brown, Dan - Angels & Demons, The DaVinci Code, etc (#745-6)
Capra, Frank (autobiography)
Carle, Eric - Any kids book
Chow - Hydrology & Hydraulics titles
Colvin/Stanley - Machine shop titles
Connelly - Machine Tool Reconditioning
Edwards, Monica - British children's books from the 1940s and 1950s (#738)
Fox, Virgil - organ book
Glasstone - Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 3rd Edition
Grey, Zane - Walter Black Books (in large numbers) (#747) 1st eds of various works (#966)
Grinder - Neuro Linguistic Programming (#731)
Grunbaum - Tilings & Patterns
Haskins, Sam - photography books (#934)
Hill, Napoleon - Think your Way To Wealth 1948 1st Ed HB (#797)
Hoerner - Fluid Dynamic Drag & Fluid Dynamic Lift
Hool - Movable and Long Span Steel Bridges
Hubbard, L Ron - reference books about grammar and spelling (1990)
Hudson - Engineers manuals any
James, Will - 1st edition (#839)
Kant (philosophy)
Kent's Mechanical Engineers Handbook - 12ed
King - Geared To the Stars
Kohl - vacuum and particle accelerator (#799)
LeSieg, Theo
Lewis, Sinclair
Linebarger, P M A (Paul Myron Anthony) (Smith, Cordwainer was his pseudonym)
Luckiesh - Light and lighting titles
Maritain (philosophy)
Martinez, Matt - cookbooks
Max, Peter - needlepoint (#886, 889)
McCarthy, Cormac
Meader, Stephen W
Meyer, Joyce
Monin & Yaglom - Statistical Fluid Mechanics
Morse & Feshbach - Methods of Theoretical Physics (2 volumes)
Neale - Dunaway, Reminiscences of a Rebel 1913 (#784, 785)
Needham, Violet - Children's books (#738)
Niles & Newell - Airplane Structures
Norman, John - GOR pb books
Oke, Janette (Even PB's)
Olson, H - Any acoustics and audio titles
Olson, Helena - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (#740)
Peckner - Handbook of Stainless Steels
Peele - Mining Engineers' Handbook - any
Peery - Aircraft Structures
Peterson, Tracie - Bells of Lowell Series (Even PB's)
Pina - Dead Mac Scrolls
Radford, William - Architecture books
Raisin, Agatha - mystery stories
Rajneesh/Osho - Rajneesh Foundation (#740)
Roark - Formulas For Stress and Strain - any edition
Rose, Joshua - Machine shop titles
Rosebury - vacuum and particle accelerator (#799)
Scarry, Richard
Schopenhauer (philosophy)
Seuss, Dr - children books 1st edition
Seuss, Dr - Redbook Magazine from the 1950's which contain Dr. Seuss stories (#913-14)
Shand - Glass engineering handbook
Sienkiewicz, Elly - Embroidery
Skinner (philosophy)
Smith, Cordwainer (Pseudonym for Dr. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger)
Sparks, Nicholas - romance
Spinoza (philosophy)
Starmore, Alice - knitting books
Steinmetz - Electrical Engineering titles
Taggart, A - Handbook of Mineral Dressing
Taggart, R - Ship design and construction
Terhune, Albert Payson
Thigpen, S. G. (son of Julia Thigpen) (#811, 813, 815)
Thompson, Allyn J - telescopes (#710)
Timoshenko - All titles and editions of engineering books
Townsend - Dudley's Gear Handbook
Tremaine - Audio Encyclopedia (2nd edition only)
Tudor, Tasha
Waddell - Bridge Titles
Wallace - Poker Playing - Neo Tech books - also published under the title "Zon Power" (#731)
Warren, Neil Clark ('s founder)
Welch, Ronald
Zimmerman - PGP Source Code & Internals

Airplane manuals from the 40's
Alcohol Distillation
Alice Cooper bio - i passed on is worth $1000! (#807)
Amateur Radio - Heath Nostalgia by Terry Perdue (pb) (#895)
Architectural Graphic Standards - any edition
Asbestos (in any reference title) (wealthy injury-settlement lawyers collecting on this subject?)
Automobiles - Owner's Manual for the Datsun 280Z -1996 Subaru Legacy service manual (#735)
Baseball - Barry Halper Collection of Baseball Memorabilia - Sotheby's auction preview books
Bell System Books & Journals
Belly Dancing
Bible, Scofield Reference - King James Edition (#775)
BiographyOfJoan Crawford,John Denver,Nelson Eddie,Jeannette McDonald,Audie Murphy(#966)
Bondage themes and/or cover art sell extremely well
Bridge design & construction
Children - Little Golden Books and similar children's books - early printings (#799)
Children's books, British from the 1940s and 1950s - Edwards, Brent-Dyer (#738)
Children's books by Violet Needham (#738)
College School Yearbooks (#776-778, 781)
Coins - see Numismatics
Cookbooks by Matt Martinez
Cookbooks - old Whitehouse (#747)
Cookbooks, southern living
Cosmetics formulation & manufacturing
Dams design & construction
Decorating books from the 50's, 60's and 70's (keywords: retro, atomic, eames, decorating)
Diet - Dr. Phil's weight loss books
Egypt, old books, especially its religion (#862)
Electric Motors
Engineering handbooks
Explosives & Pyrotechnics
Forth Language & programming
Gay - Any vintage 50's-60's related homosexual stories generate unbelievable prices (#747)
Glass manufacturing & scientific glassblowing
Golden Book - Golden Guides: Hallucinogenic Plants by Schultes (#731)
Gold mining & ore processing
Graphic Design - Pubblicita in Italia (Advertising in Italy), 1967/68 and other years (#726)
Hallucinogenic Plants (Golden Book - Golden Guides) by Schultes (#731)
Home machinists &hobbyists - International Correspondence School Textbooks, ICS books(#799)
Homeowner - vintage concrete containers/planters/stepping stones/patios/fences (Mid century)
Horse breeding and racing (especially 1960's and older)
Horse racing/betting (pb)
Infertility & parenting after infertility
Lathes (old pb sold for over $50)
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - by Helena Olson (#740)
Maps from encyclopedias (pre-1919) and 'breaking-out' state and city maps
Mathematics Graduate & research level
Mine Safety Equip. 1953 catalog ASBESTOS
Mormon Encyclopedias, two large volumes, brand new (#847)
Needle craft books by Better Homes
Needlepoint books by Peter Max (#886, 889)
Neo Tech books - also published under the title "Zon Power" (#731)
Neuro Linguistic Programming - main authors are Bandler and Grinder (#731)
New Testament - in Tibetan (#765)
Numismatic "Red" & "Blue" Books, especially Reds - older copies in the 50s (#733, 739, 741+3)
Oil drilling equipment (I think it was published in the 1920s) (#866)
Operators Manuals from the Military...
Optical Telescopes
Organ book - Virgil Fox
Pattern book, vintage with a unique title (#901)
Peruvian novels of the 1920s
Pest Control Industry - Mallis Handbook of Pest Control, written for the pest control industry
Poker Playing - Wallace - Neo Tech books - also published under the title "Zon Power" (#731)
Popular Fiction in Large Print
Precious Metals, mining & ore processing - any
Puppetry books
Railroad books (surveys, map books from 1850 to 1900)
Railroads - Simmons Boardman published many books on railroads (#799)
Relativity - good luck with all 1920s books with 'Relativity' in the title, esp written by Einstein
Rhulman, a french designer of furniture and architect (#862, 864)
Road maps by Michelin and others, many newer ones have ISBN's (see (old) Maps above)
Rock climbing - 50 Classic Climbs of North America by Steve Roper and Allen Steck
Scuba diving - vintage 1960 manuals
Sewing Machines - How to Repair Sewing Machines
Sheet Metal Patterns
Signal Processing any from 1970-present
Software Quality Assurance which the combined three last sold for $280
Solar Heating that last sold for $85
Spanish sell very well and are often overlooked, basically any book, too
Speaker Construction
Spiritualism, spirit mediums, ghosts, psychic phenomena, life after death (1890's +)
Sports books (especially those issued by the navy during WWII)
Telescope Making
Tesla - any books about
Tube Amplifier construction & reference
UFO - hardback with line-drawings and dj (from the 1950s) (#866)
War Games - Dungeons & Dragons or Avalon Hill - just about any role playing material (#733)
West Point Military Academy yearbooks (#892) HOWITZER
Winnie the Pooh, bound book of 6 editions of St Nicholas magazine, Nov 1924 - Apr 1925 (#918)
Yearbook - Chinchilla News C.A.A.'s National Yearbook (1952-1953) (#990-994)
Yearbook - USS Wasp CV-18 Aircraft Carrier w/Photos of WWII (similar to a yearbook) (#999)
Yearbook - West Point Military Academy yearbooks (#892)
Yeti - Mount Everest 1951 Expedition by Eric Shipton-famousfor2photos of Yeti footprints(#752)
Yeti - Sasquatch, The Apes Among Us by John Green (#753)
Message 996 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

THE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE MARK DONOHUE (deals with car racing 1970's)

SOLD in Great Britain for GBP 21.00 (Approximately US $39.77) Paperback

Offered in the USA with a BIN at $150.00 with $6.00 shipping Hardback Very Good condition

Offered in the USA with a BIN at $43.00 with $5.00 shipping Hardback NEW condition

Offered in US with a BIN for $22.00 Paperback in New Condition with $5.00 shipping by the same seller as the $43.00 hardback


Posting this kind of information with your entry would save people a lot of time and validate your recommendation for the list.
Message 997 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.
Message 998 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

That is an unsold book. Books that look like nothing are ones that have sold or are selling for a good price.
Message 999 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

I've been disappointed on auctions with many older cookbooks - but there are some exceptions -
How to make & sell pies and cookies by Joseph Lambeth (120053623097) sold for $50.99 -
If you come across any cake decorating books by JOSEPH LAMBETH snatch them up, there are revised editions dating from 6o's - 80's and all fetch a very good price at auctions - Another auction (not mine)-
(200045233213) Lambeth Method of Cake Decorating and Practical Pastries - $177.50. Happy THanksgiving!
Message 1000 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

This one sold today, Happy Thanksgiving to me! I had no idea. I thought it might turn out well, and started it at .99 cents. 20 bids later it ended at $315.00.


Item number 120054123442

Full description follows...

"About 10 o'clock that evening the steward came into our compartment and said, "A flash has just been received that Miss Earhart is now passing us about 100 miles to the north." ... Amelia Earhart arrived in Honolulu ahead of us and Captain Musick in his Sikorsky landed about half an hour after we did."

[Pan American] [Airlines] [Hawaii Clipper] [China Clipper] [Amelia Earhart] [Captain Edwin C. Musick] [Seaplanes] [Aeronautics -- Flights] Ernst, Fritz. ACROSS THE PACIFIC IN A CHINA CLIPPER. Privately Published by the Author. Printed by R.R. Donnelley & Sons, Co., Chicago, [1938]. 5" x 8". 29 pp., plus unpaginated "Finally" page and tipped in diagram at rear. Softcover in original illustrated four color wraps, staple bound. Illustrated with frontis as well as additional photographs and drawings throughout.

FIRST EDITION presumed. No additional printings indicated. Research shows a 1942 copy being held by two libraries worldwide. This copy was signed and dated by the author in 1938.

Condition: Very Good

Book - INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR ON FRONT ENDPAPER. No writing, markings, creases or tears, except for light waviness to the gutter area near staples. Pages are mostly clean and bright with light soiling to front endpaper. Very light age-toning to margins. Covers are lightly soiled with a small dampstain to the front center (see photograph) which is also seen on the inside of the front cover, but not on the corresponding front endpaper. Corners lightly rubbed.

A rare glimpse into the travels onboard the China Clipper, specifically the Hawaii Clipper. The author speaks of leaving San Francisco on the same day as Amelia Earhart and Capt. Musick, and their subsequent familier flight plans.
Message 1001 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

I found a Time-Life series that sells. It's called Classics of the Old West and consists of leather-bound reproductions of the first-printings of Western nonfiction which includes Pat Garrett on Billy the Kid, one of Buffalo Bill Cody's ghosted autobiographies, Mark Twain's Roughing It, Teddy Roosevelt's book on ranching and hunting, and other more obscure titles like Vigilantes of Montana, Captivity of the Oatman Girls, Life Among the Apaches, A Cowboy's Life by ex-cowboy, ex-Pinkerton Charles Siringo, and more. Bottom line: I sold an incomplete set of 23 for $133.37. Picked them up at a library sale three for $1. A large grouping like mine seems to do better than individual copies being sold on eBay.
Message 1002 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

So this looks about dead so I'm sharing. These probably are'nt for the high end sellers but for people like me who sell here to buy more books for personal use lol. A few weeks ago I went to a FOL sale, had a hunch on a pile of older spy/adventure books from the 50's-60's and grabbed them up.

Nick Carter, the character, is similar to James Bond and each has a different title. There was a lot of 49 that ended at $110 so I did a BIN for 59 at the random amount of $72 which sold within a day. I spent $2 for he bag of them. Could be a fluke but I thought it was kinda cool.

The Stand by Stephen King, first edition 1978 in very good condition/mint ended a few weeks ago at around $125, I sold one with a hammered dustjacket for $17 and have no idea where it came from it was in a box in my bedroom lol

Also, if you are at a FOL sale and they are doing the $2 a bag don't be afraid to look over in the romance section for books by the publisher Ellora's Cave. They are generally the large trade size and have digital art on the covers but they usually average around $7-10 each on Ebay, lots do way better.

Halloween countdown banner
Message 1003 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

Hi guys,
Nicoel here,
I finally got to that giant box of vintage paperbacks from the last big pickup. UG! Some are worth buku and some are worth noo-noo and you have to go through each and every one and wipe them off and check everything.
I am wondering which is the best way to list, so I am doing some in like lots of sci fi or ray bradbury, or asimov, etc, playboy has sci fi fiction books from the 60-70's who knew?
I was listing one when the error came. Frozen in time. Check boards for outages yada yada
so here I am!
Message 1004 of 1,978
latest reply

A book that looks like nothing.

Here's one for you that I just ran across while researching.

The Savoy Cocktail Book , Compiled by Harry Craddock, Illustrated by Gilbert Rumbold , Constable, London, 1930. Lowe & Drydon Printers, 8vo, approx. 9" by 6", 288 pages.
Final value $172.50, 7 unique bidders.
Message 1005 of 1,978
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