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why is ebay **bleep** me?

I want to know why eBay is **bleep** me.


I'm selling the same products that there are people who are top-rated sellers are selling the same thing every single day and they even sell even worse products. They still products that are actually illegal.


Then they gave me their reason. They said that they don't sell anything that's on the FDA list for banned subsistence, okay?


So I looked up this list and none of my **bleep** **bleep** is on there besides this **bleep** honey thing that I sold yesterday but I already took it off


And then today they **bleep** knocked off all my **bleep** when they can't they don't even have proof they have no evidence that any of my **bleep** has isn't on the **bleep** FDA website none of it you can't find any of my products under the FDA website because they're not there


And if they are there, they had to **bleep** look at the number and the date it was put in there. Now, they're all not the same. There's different people in this game. They make their own **bleep**, their own **bleep** casing. I don't know, and that's the one that has the **bleep** dirty ingredients in it. I don't know, but like, what the **bleep** is that got to do with me?


This is like the most **bleep**ed up **bleep** ever. They just shut my **bleep** **bleep** down right now. And they don't even know, I just spent **bleep** thousands of dollars to buy all this **bleep** honey I can't sell no more. And what the **bleep**? And then I'm not even paying me **bleep**. I've been good to their **bleep** customers. **bleep**, I'm going to do this **bleep** to me. What the **bleep**.


Why the **bleep** is eBay on my **bleep**? I see people sell literal biagra as under the name sell Dennefeld on my **bleep** feed every single day a blue pill how the **bleep** how the **bleep** can they do that and then nothing happens to them I look at their page they sold hundreds and thousands of them


And then they told me I don't want to single you out. **bleep** you, you're singling me out. That's some bull**bleep**. They don't even give you any proof. Like, give me proof that my item is **bleep**, that there's something wrong with my item. You won't find them because it isn't there.


Okay, so maybe you might say, oh but it's on the FDA website, Rhino Crazy, 7500 is illegal. But if you look closely, yeah, it's Rhino 7500, but did you see the number on the top that says 1 million? That means a brand right there. Some people, it says 100,000.


If they found the 100,000 brand to be dirty, then it's not the same as the 1 million brand.


Either way, they don't understand because right now they're really **bleep** me over something that is not really my intention. Like I just came in to sell and I saw that there's **bleep** people selling the same products that I sell. So I said, what the **bleep**? Let me come in here and then they're not letting me sell my project, even though I've been **bleep** good to their customers.


What the **bleep** man? I swear I can't I can't **bleep** do anything I even if I post a **bleep** I posted a fake pill I posted a fake pill just to see what they will do with it Yeah, I did and guess what they they flagged it they flagged and I said how can they flag this pill this pill is fake I mean it I mean it I mean it myself

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Accepted Solutions

Re: why is ebay **bleep** me?



It was difficult to read your post.  I gave up after the 1000th bleep.  But I think your issue is  

< [other] sellers are selling the same thing [as mine that was removed] >  


•  It might have been because yours was reported and theirs haven't been yet.  

•  It might have been because of a certain word(s) in your title/description.  

•  It might have been because yours was listed in a wrong category.  

•  Maybe something else and none of the above.  


View Best Answer in original post

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Re: why is ebay **bleep** me?



It was difficult to read your post.  I gave up after the 1000th bleep.  But I think your issue is  

< [other] sellers are selling the same thing [as mine that was removed] >  


•  It might have been because yours was reported and theirs haven't been yet.  

•  It might have been because of a certain word(s) in your title/description.  

•  It might have been because yours was listed in a wrong category.  

•  Maybe something else and none of the above.  


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Re: why is ebay **bleep** me?

I might have figured it out, but I can't be sure. All my products are still gone, but I took the initiative to read the policy my account was struggling with. It's personal to the account. If you're going through something like this, it might be for a different reason, however 


Read the actual policy that falls under the trouble you're running into. 

If you read it, you'll probably be like me and need help understanding even the smallest bit of the jargon. 


So, I copied the policy and pasted it into chatGPT, and I asked chatGPT to translate it so that a fifth grader could understand what this policy states. I also commanded chatGPT to become an eBay trust and safety manager and customer service specialist. Doing this helped me write a proper description of my item, and whenever I wrote anything that violated the contract, chatGPT would call me out on it and change it for me. 


All in all, if you're reading this and you don't understand how to read any of eBay's policies (which is normal; I think lawyers write these things), copy the message that eBay is telling you that you are violating, find the policy, and have chatGPT explain it to you. Mine was confusing because sentences 1 and 2 seemed to contradict each other. Something like "Ebay does not allow sellers to sell this product. Sellers who sell this product must not list them on eBay." if you don't understand that, you're like me, and that's okay. I hope this helps someone. Sorry, I was angry about blogging the initial post. how embarrassing 

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Re: why is ebay **bleep** me?



< Sorry, I was angry about blogging the initial post >    


No need to apologize.  It takes more than that to offend me, a lot more.  The bleeps were just a distraction, that's all.  But they did allow me to make the "1,000 Bleeps" joke.  Thanks for choosing my reply as Best Answer ... LOL, it was the only answer, but who's counting.  Good luck.     


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