09-24-2022 09:54 AM
I sold 2 items on eBay, a Petsafe 360 Dog drinking water fountain to eBay sn: micros**** and a Weller welder gun to eBayer sn: sdavis***. I accidentally shipped both packages to sdavis***. Somehow I printed sdavis*** shipping label 2 times and put them on both packages, I have uploaded my USPS Dropoff receipt confirming both packages were accepted with same label.
As soon as I relized my mistake, I contacted and updated both buyers. Sdavis*** who received both packages admitted to me via eBay messages that they did receive both packages. I have also attached the print out of our messages to support my claims.
Look carefully at what sdavis*** wrote in their message to me, "I got it but didn’t know what it was just got it today sent it home with my daughter since she has a dog I’ll have to get it back and send it to you."
If sdavis*** did not know what the package was, why would sdavis*** give away to to someone who has a dog????
# 1 Sdavis*** knew it was a pet drinking water foutain, therefore gave it away to someone who had a dog that could use the Petsafe 360 Dog drinking water fountain.
# 2 Sdavis***admitted to giving away something the package despite the both packages contained a eBay order print out identifiying buyer/seller/item/item number/order number/dates BUY SDAVIS*** still decided to give away mail they knew was not intended for them!!
# 3 Sdavis*** has gone MIA. I have reached out to sdavis*** and sent them a pre paid shipping lable to put on the Petsafe Dog water fountain and have it shipped to the proper buyer who is still awaiting their item.
Obvilsly this is all my fault, but how did the same label on 2 different packages get delivered without any errors, or addional payments? With SDAVIS*** admitting they rec. the package, and they "SEND IT BACK TO ME", is it considered theft, mail theft IF SDAVIS*** DOES NOT end up shipping it back to me?
09-24-2022 10:02 AM
Legally, the buyer doesn't have to return something she received that wasn't ordered, so if she had dropped out of sight, you should consider it a loss and refund your other buyer.
You may be charged for the second shipment which will come through as a USPS cost adjustment. These are sent periodically for packages that are shipped with the wrong weight, dimensions, packaging, etc.
09-24-2022 11:35 AM
If I received the wrong item from a seller and they wanted me to fix their screw up by sending it to the right buyer, that package wouldn't be going anywhere.
Do you think the real buyer would be happy knowing that you are giving out their name and address to other people?
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