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Help me understand Managed Payments fees

Hello and thank you for your help in advance. I recently had to switch to managed payments and I had my first sale under the new (to me) payment system. My item sold for $10 plus $2.80 shipping. The total amount paid by the buyer with tax included was $13.40. The category that my item fell under (it was a CD) has a 14.35% fee rate plus the $0.30 per transaction fee. So after the fees were taken, the total I wound up with is $10.58. This is before shipping is paid for. I paid $2.80 for the shipping label which left me with $7.78. under the old system with PayPal involved, after fees and shipping I would have wound up with $0.77 more in my pocket. Doesn't sound like a big deal but the difference in the fees that I'm paying is only 1.35%. After doing the math, my numbers show that I would have only paid somewhere around $0.18 more for this transaction. What am I missing? Thanks again all!

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The total fee you paid under MP was $2.22.


Under paypal you would have paid:

    to ebay:  12.80 * .12 = $1.54

    to paypal 13.40 * .029+.30 = $0.69

for a total of $2.23.