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EBay sent the cops to my house almost got shot

So I was emailing eBay about my restricted account. And basically I asked them why they were giving me so much **bleep** for? Like they ban me every month and literally make my day hell on purpose. Then I got an email saying that “because we banned you years ago.” so that's what you guys do? 


I got banned in 2020 with no way to fix it. My dad and i had a ppe store since 2016. I've been onn eBay all my life selling. So they banned us because we allegedly price gouged n95 mask. But the truth is we never even bothered looking at the account we never got sales. Until covid came, people clealed us of the stock we had of n95 masks which were listed one year before in pandemic. I told them this but they said no exceptions and shut my account down. 


I came back this year and they have been harboring this energy to purposedly **bleep** with me because I was already banned. 


So today I asked them, don't you guys think its a little unfair that I'm paying for ads everyday and literally can't stop or date the listing. ..


If you think that's worst, eBay then sends cops to my house guns loaded read to kill me. I've never been harassed so much in one hour than what just happened. 


First they stop your sells. 

Second they steal everything toh name. 

3rd they literally try to kill you. 


Its so unnessary to call the cops on me. I swear eBay is in some weird they wanted me half dead. 


I wish they would focus more attention on real crooks. I have paper work on all my stuff. 


Can't believe eBay really tried to take me out today. 

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