if you feel you've "accidentally purchased" something because the rules tell you to hit the "buy it now" button, you need to report it to ebay and the authorities. ebay help offers no link concerning this game, so i've come up with a list myself. just clip and paste these addresses:
AskDOJ@usdoj.gov, complaint@ifccfbi.gov, cshelp@ebay.com, csme@ebay.com, Del_Alexander@house.state.va.us, district05@sov.state.va.us, cinquire@ebay.com, cswebform@ebay.com, rswebhelp@ebay.com, cswebform@ebay.com, ended@ebay.com, escalations@paypal.com, fccinfo@fcc.gov, info@hamptonroads.bbb.org, webform@paypal.com, scvbbb@bayarea.net, service@paypal.com, complaints@ifccfbi.gov, uce@ftc.gov, spoof@paypal.com, webmail@Whitehouse.GOV