Ms. Becky, fellow ebayers, thank you for your concern. i hope you do not mind me giving you a condensed version in my answer, but this "level" of thinking, associated with the game, realy really reallllly hurts my head and aggrevates my migraines. i am immediately in the fetal position every time i finish what i post. this string isn't about me, its about this game. its about OUR COUNTRY. how, i relate the problems with ebay with the problems of OUR NATION. in short, i used to believe in this term. "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
i recently came accross a navy propoganda recruiting cup that states," life, liberty and the pursuit of any one who threatens it". i can only be inspired by our FOUNDING FATHERS from this website,
i think of how our lives and liberties are being "removed" for the rest of us, for the happiness of a few selfish evil people. i am bringing to your attention that there are people that think they have the right to deprive and/or kill others and take away their liberties, so a few can enjoy life. i think if you've got to see a disability in me, the main one is that i have been poisoned. do you see those planes leaving those con/chemtrails? i worked on those type of engines. even if they are not being manipulated, the exhaust is still poisonous. the milspec is 23699. the cans do not say caution, they say danger. danger: causes dermatitis AND paralysis. i've got both. those engines heat up that oil to extreme temperatures and emmit that stuff in fumes... to this date, i can still smell and taste. that is just ONE of the poisons i was exposed to. and in post 257, i thought i provided the "how" i became disabled, i am a veteran of the first experiment... i mean the first gulf war...
yes, i thank GOD that i am a fortunate one, at least i came back. i count my blessings every day. i can relate what happened to me with this game as being familiar to what happened to me in real life... a few people in charge, whether on purpose or by shear accident have interfered with my life. if their intentions were to reward their customers/members, then i do not feel rewarded, rather, cheated. if this was done to attract more people, then in my opinion, that is wrong too. either way, i am disenfranchised. if you didn't win, then you are too. if you didn't sell your goods, then you are disenfranchised too. i said what i said at the beginning of this thread. some people insulted me. i did not hold it against them, i clarified the "how" i came to this conclusion. at the same time, other aspects in my life overlapped my ebay personna. was i born that way? no. i became disabled in service to my Nation. i take my meds. this game interfered with my medication and sleep schedule. i am only awake and not medicated about three hours a day. if you'll excuse me now, i will go and take my medicines, go back to the fetal position and hopefully fall asleep soon. i need to get back on my old schedule, i do not want to go back to the hospital.
GOD BLESS YOU, GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN. but do not worry about me, my faith and fear is in THE ONE TRUE GOD YHWH. the best thing you can do is PRAY for THIS NATION and for eachother. BLESS YHWH.