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Let's all just quit

Lets all just quit and then let the clues run out till the end. Then Ebay cannot say that these bogus clues were a success. At first I thought this game was a part of marketing genius, but now, well....... NOT AT ALL! It pisses more people off than anything. Can these clues get any more ridiculous?
Message 1 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

yesterday I thought the clues were bad. I guess I was wrong! This game is a just stupid. I have tried for days now and I am done!
Message 2 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

The people who are winning are not the people who are playing. They are the ones just doing thier regular searching (shopping). No one can get the answers to these clues, its impossible. Maybe one or two of them in past, but, 99% of these clues are pathetic. They really are not clues. A clue has to have substance. You can go a million different ways with these "clues".
Message 3 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

I'm happy to say I've quit....ditto to all of your posts here...I prefer games of skill and thought, not pure luck. I WILL NOT trust ebay next time (if there is one) they have any kind of game or's a total scam! To those still playing...have "fun"???
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

Exactly, this is not a game of skill. Its just like playing the lottery. Probably the same odds too. LOL
Message 5 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

I don't get it ... it's a game! There are two ways to win every day - figure out the extremely challenging clues (or find one by accident), and if that's too hard, just bid or list something to get in the drawing.

The clues DO make sense, even if you don't think about it right away. If the clue just said "cold", well, there would be about a million words you might search for. But maybe the one you need to search for is "glacier". That might not be one of the first 1000 searches you perform, but you can't deny that glacier and cold have a relationship. That's how these clues are...they aren't the obvious answers, or they wouldn't be promoting anything.

I, for one, think it's a good promotion. I saw a hundred listings that I wouldn't have seen if it hadn't been for this promotion. As a seller, I think the additional traffic is great! I do, however, think those who are going in and editing their listings to put the clue keywords in should be given a nice 10 day temporary ban for aggregious search manipulation violations.

I also love the new commercials that have recently been on TV. I think their marketing department is doing a great job.
Message 7 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

I agree with you, movieluvah. Well said!
Message 8 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Let's all just quit

I do agree about those listings with the clues, however, you cant say with a stright face that these clues make sense. In other words, you just might as well go shopping like you normally do and hope that you find a listing that is a winner. If the clues are not going to make sense, then we do not need them. These clues are bogus, totally bogus. These clues could mean anything. I can make a connection between a Volkswagon and the moon if I really wanted to. Or iI could make a connection between a hat and fingernail polish, or star trek and george washington. Get my drift? We do not even need these clues if they are going to be like this. They should just put 175 winning listings on ebay without clues if these clues are going to be like this.
Message 10 of 10
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