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Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts
Hello everyone,

Recently, a new capability was added that enables members to store and use Signatures Files in their posts to the Discussion Boards. Members also use Signatures on the Chat Boards.

We've created guidelines for these Signatures to enable members to achieve benefit from and enjoy them while keeping them appropriate for the boards, as they appear in every post made by those who use them. The guidelines will apply to signatures on both the Discussion Boards and the Chat Boards.

Please note that the Signature File Guidelines apply only to the use of a signature, which is that portion of a post that would commonly be repeated in every post a member makes.

The content of the body of the post continues to be covered by the other elements of the Board Usage Policy specifics and interpretation. Members may continue to post helping links, there is no prescribed limit to photo size or number of links within the body of a single post, members may not advertise by including links to their items in the body of posts, etc. you can find the complete Board Usage Policy here:

We hope you will find these guidelines clear and helpful in creating and using your own signature file in your posts!

Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts:

eBay provides a Signature File feature for the boards, that enables a signature to appear with each of your posts. This file may contain up to 500 characters, and may contain HTML. The following guidelines are required for use. Violation of these guidelines will result in removal of all posts containing the inappropriate signature, and may result in removal of all posts by a user.

1. Material contained within or linked from signature files must not violate the Boards Usage Policy

2. All images found in a signature may not exceed a total area of 50 pixels by 220 pixels

3. Signatures may not contain any active code, scripts, CSS, JS, mouseovers, midi files, tracking mechanisms, cookies, or any type of code other than plain HTML used in standard ways. Code written to bypass board filters in any way will be a violation.

4. Signatures must be static. They may not blink, move, fade, or change in any way.

5. Signatures may contain no more than one (1) link. this link must be to a page located on the eBay website.

6. Members may link to any eBay page (meaning the link opens a page located on the eBay website, with an URL) within their signature, including to their Seller's list, their eBay Store, or eBay search results for selling events. If linking to Sellers Lists or Stores, such links must conform to the applicable standards set by the eBay Links Policy for links within Item Listings:

with the following exceptions:

* No third-party credits are allowed within signatures
*Members may not link in their signature to any page that is not an eBay page, including simple pages containing only photos or static information. This type of information can be provided on your About Me page, to which a link would be allowed.

7. Signatures may not contain any representation of a website address, even if that is your user id or Store Name. Some examples of prohibited components include: ".com", ".net", ".org", ".edu" or any variation of such as "_com" or "-com"

8. Notwithstanding the ability to link to items, the "No Advertising" clause of the Board Usage Policy remains applicable to posts made using signatures. Posting for the sole purpose of allowing one's signature to display will not be tolerated. Examples of this include empty posts, repetitive posts, "bumping" without adding useful content, or other types of posts that do not contribute individually to healthy community interaction. In addition, blatant language or techniques, including frequent change of signatures, is prohibited and will be interpreted as Advertising.


Please read the policy very carefully! There's great news in there, but with the benefit of being able to link to your listings comes responsibility for following ALL the other guidelines so that this works for everyone! Please try to follow the *spirit* of the guidelines as well as the letter, and please don't try to "push the envelope" when building your signature files, so that they can add to everyone's appreciation for this neat new tool! 🙂


Message 1 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

I love puzzles and ebay, but I'm confused as to what the "icon" would be to let you know you came across the correct listing in solving a puzzle. Is there no indication other than your just completing the purchasing process and then being informed it was a puzzle listing? That would take away from the fun of participating at all! Thanks for any replies.
Message 16 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

I'm guessing that the only way of winning this game is if you have a listing of your own that you check on periodically and it just happens to be the one ebay chose to put the prize into. Sounds logical to me. I wonder if we can find out how many people that found the clues are the actual listing party. How about it ebay people!!!! Could that be possible???????????
Message 17 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

the winning auction is an auction posted by ebay, when you click onto it, and it is a buy it now auction, then you will be inside, there will be a notice that says congratulations. If you read the rules of the game it will show you what it looks like. Inside the auction there will be no description or picture, just something that says congratulations. It will not be a gallery item, it may or may not have a green camera. This is not hard if you read the instructions. When you see the thing that says congratulations you click on buy it now, there will be no confirmation, clicking the buy it now button sends the confirmation to ebay. If you have to buy something then it is not the winning auction.
Message 18 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

This game has me completely baffled. I'm with dikelly1, the only way is if it's on one of your own ads. My goodness this is tough. Are the winners posted??:|
Message 19 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

Message 20 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

i tried carousel but gave up after a couple hundred tries
Message 21 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

i tried carousel but gave up after a couple hundred tries
Message 22 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

this suks wat is a horse tale i dont know do u know
i thing is black beauty O
Message 23 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

i found it yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Message 24 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

i am just playing
Message 25 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

this is irrelevant all of it...its just luck of the draw!!!!
Message 26 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

okay the last clue soda location that answer made no sense. I wish someone making up these clues would explain how they came up with the answers that have been figured out. It's very frustrating game, I know you have to make it diffucult for it to be a challenge, but come on these don't make sense. Or the people who have won you want to explain how you figured out your clue that makes no rhyme or reason. ?:|
Message 27 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

these contest cluse are not logic at all, it seems to be more of a game of luck. It does not make any sence and that is fishy...
Message 28 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

Message 29 of 41
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Re: Guidelines for Use of Signature Files in Posts

how have only 30 replies been made to this post?
Message 30 of 41
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