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A message from David Chu

If you had asked me a few years ago whether I thought my face would ever be on a grilled cheese sandwich, I may have told you that you’re crazy – I like you, but you’re crazy.

I know there has been quite a bit of speculation on the message boards about me (i.e. Who is David Chu? Why is he staring at me? Is his face really on Mt. Rushmore?), and I have tried my best to prepare a list of the most frequently asked questions:

So who is David Chu anyway?

I am an eBay employee in the Internet Marketing department, working to improve how eBay ranks in search engines to drive more buyers to eBay listings. I like dogs, Star Wars, and long walks on the beach.

Why haven’t you written until now?

As I mention above and some of you have already suggested, yes, I do have a day job. And my boss keeps me fairly busy. eBay also requires employee training before we can post to the boards. As I was not yet trained, I had to go through a crash course just this week.

Is David Chu angry?

Absolutely not, I understand that Chu-mania has been in good fun, and the Community has been wonderful. I too have been ROFLMAO reading some of the posts and spoof pics the past few days. I am, however, very disappointed in that you all missed one of the most obvious works bearing my resemblance…

The CHUna Lisa

(da Vinci’s somewhat lesser known but far more disturbing masterpiece)

What’s up wit Chu?

Very funny.

If you are not angry, then why don’t you smile?

One of my football coaches once yelled at me for smiling in a team photo, saying I ruined the entire picture. I have tried to not ruin another picture ever since, by maintaining a cold and passionless exterior.

Do you provide all of the Treasure Hunt Clues?

I cannot take credit for the Treasure Hunt, despite the fact that my mugshot is all over the message board pages. We have a great team here that developed the idea and has orchestrated the entire event, which as you can imagine is a tremendous effort to pull off.

Are you solving all the clues yourself?

These clues are far more complex than anything I could possibly manage. I still don’t know how you get the answer ‘Pour Your Heart Into It’ from the clue ‘Space Needle and Expo’. And even if I was smart enough to solve the clues, eBay employees are not allowed to participate.

Are you listing all of the David Chu paraphernalia and related items?

No, those have all been listed by entrepreneurial eBay members. I did give permission to one listing by a co-worker for a signed photo of yours truly, which has already ended. The proceeds of that auction will go to a tsunami relief fund (and no, it is not called the Chu-nami Relief Fund).

Is all of this attention going to your head?

For those of you worried that this newfound ‘fame’ will change me, let me assure you that it already has. David Chu now refers to himself in the third person and he will be holding auditions for a new reality show called The Chu-prentice. No really, I am still just a regular guy and put my pants on like everybody else – by instructing my personal stylist to put them on one leg at a time.

I hope this post has at least partially satisfied your curiosity about David Chu. I must apologize in advance as I unfortunately will not be able to respond to every message and email I receive, but I will try to read more every day.

It is a unique company that can spark this amount of interest level in its members. I have been lucky enough to attend the last 2 eBay Live events, where I witnessed the special nature of the Community and tremendous influence eBay can have on people’s lives. And this has made it even more tangible for me. So thank you Community, from the bottom of my heart, for the creativity, entertainment, support and compassion you have shown me over the past few days. And thank you ChuBay…I mean eBay, for making all of this possible.

-dave (aka David Chu)

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A message from David Chu

The man behind the he DOES exist!!
Message 61 of 402
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A message from David Chu

Message 62 of 402
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A message from David Chu

Hey Chu - Give us a better game, or some help with this one...
Image hosting by Photobucket
Message 63 of 402
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A message from David Chu

Message 64 of 402
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A message from David Chu

Chu are the best! We all could not get through this contest without Chu. Chu have kept our spirits up and our faith strong. God bless Chu!
Message 65 of 402
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A message from David Chu


long walks on the beach (yes the rest are coming)

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A message from David Chu

Thank you for talking to us....I quit playing but have checked back to read about you only.:-D I am so glad you have a happy attitude about all of this, I have read some very funny stuff about CHU! Best wishes to you!
Message 67 of 402
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A message from David Chu

lmao too funny! What chu talkin bout Willis 😛
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A message from David Chu

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A message from David Chu

I'll buy a chu bobblehead
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A message from David Chu

Ok, this one got me...!!!

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A message from David Chu

CHU, was that really YOU, that posted on day TWO, saying people were interrupting your dinner? GR8 that you posted again!!!! I LOVE THE CHU MAN!!!!:-x
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A message from David Chu

Message 73 of 402
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A message from David Chu


Thanks so much for a truly entertaining week. It's fantastic to finally hear from you, and it's wonderful that you took all of this so well. You're a true celebrity! Chugga Chugga Chu Chu!!!!

Message 74 of 402
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A message from David Chu


Message 75 of 402
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