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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Strange times. We all can do with some good news. Be it sales of your art, or something personal. SHARE IT HERE! * * * * * * As for me - I start my new, permanent, full-time job on Monday, after not having one since end of July last year. Hope your day(s) are bright ones. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google me! -- Edited by artistjillian at 06/11/2009 11:04 AM PDT -- Edited by artistjillian at 07/26/2009 10:49 AM PDT

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 1 of 105
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104 REPLIES 104

The GOOD NEWS thread ...

LOL, Elizabeth - a caterpillar named Squishy! The name was prophetic. Sorry, I know Squishy1's demise was a sad moment, but I can't help laughing. -- -Ann "Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time."

"I have got pepperoni. Wherever it lands, that's where the miracle will happen." ~ Gary Busey
Message 16 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

congratulations Jillian. Good luck in your new job. bet you're excited.
Message 17 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Woo Hoo! How was your first day, Jillian? -- Lee
Message 18 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

🙂 Thanx all. Good first day. I found a shop at lunch time that sells CRUMPETS! Yay! One of the foods I crave from time to time. :) A long day though. I start later and finish a LOT later. *sigh*. Forgot my 'computer' glasses and had to strain all day, looking at my HUGE 30" screen. Fun though. Unusual job, as it's all 'online'. -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google me!

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 19 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Congratz to you Jillian! Yay! A new job, new adventure in life...maybe they'll let you 'work from home' eventually!! Wouldn't THAT be great? YOU betcha! Best of luck with the baby birdie Kathy, I know it's a bit of work or did you put it back in the nest? Awww, sweet little thing. I had to put my cats inside for a while, to give the baby birds here a chance to survive. The Blue Jays made a nest in our backyard tree. The babies are big now, they made it! They are bathing in the bird bath right now! Every time the cats would get near the tree those parents would swoop down in attack mode and start squawking...I'd run out and chase the cats away...whew! Beside babysitting birds I had my two grandsons over for three weeks, I'm tired out! LOL Hope to get some artwork done soon, that challenge looks fun! I just recently submitted a design to Tattooed Steel, BUTTERFLIES by Cherie, if you'd kindly vote on it! I'd be so grateful and happy if ya would!! If not, thatz cool too...take a look! Take care all, chat again soonly! Cherie -- My Listings!
Google me: Cherie's Art
Message 20 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Best of luck with the baby birdie Kathy, I know it's a bit of work or did you put it back in the nest? Nope! That was a baby quail. They're ground birds (like little chickens). They travel in families, but usually if one gets separated or lost, the parents just move on and abandon them. Fortunately, I was able to get to that one in time. Once he came out of the shock of being wet, he scampered off and joined the others. Thank goodness. At this time of year I find a lot of dead ones that just couldn't keep up, so being able to save one is a great feeling. What's the link to your tatoo design, Cherie? I'll vote on it! -- Kathy

Message 21 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Congratulations, Jillian, on your new job! That is wonderful! I know you've been distressed about this for months..... My good news is that I got a new Brother sewing machine, computerized with 60 built-in stitches. My last one I got in junior high and only went forward and backward. I made a blue flannel nightshirt for my DH. That's how I justified it to him, "I'll make you nightshirts!" and he said sure! -- ~Kathy Co-Leader, ACA2009 ≈^..^≈.....>^..^<.....‗^..^‗Kathy is OneKeeneKat.....‗^..^‗.....>^..^<......≈^..^≈
Message 22 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Jillian, how wonderful for you!!! Congratulations:^O My "Great News" is that my 18 year old grand-son has survived a head-on-collision with a cement truck! He is still in the hospital and has had 2 surgeries. He will probably need one more. Considering that they had to use the "Jaws Of Life" to get him from his car and he is still alive is the "VERY Best" news there could be. He WAS wearing his seatbelt and the air bag did deploy. He doesn't have a mark on his face. His most serious injury was that his left foot was crushed and one of the surgeries was to insert pins and steel plates. His accident also happened near one of the best hospitals in the world. He was airlifted to the Mayo clinic/St Marys hospital. Please wear your seatbelts~~~they could save your lives. ~~~Jan:-x
Message 23 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

OMG Jan. SO glad he is 'OK' -- ~Jillian artist, Jillian Crider ... google me!

artist, Jillian Crider

... google me!
Message 24 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Oh. My. Gosh. Jan, you are SO fortunate that this turned out as well as it did. Your grandson is a very lucky guy, and also a very smart one. If he weren't wearing a seat belt, it probably would have ended much differently. So many young people don't bother wearing their seat belts, so kudos to him for being a responsible driver. It probably saved his life. I hope he has a speedy recovery. Sounds like he will, with the foot being the worst of it. Do you mind if I ask what kind of car he was driving? Must have been a very well-built vehicle to withstand a collision with a cement truck. That's truly amazing. Good news indeed! -- Kathy

Message 25 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Hi Jillian and Kathy~~~He was driving a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix. Of course it was totaled. We are very fortunate. My grand-son has always been a very responsible person and I am happy to say that his friends wear their seatbelts too~~~Jan:-x
Message 26 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Wow, Jan - so glad he was wearing his seatbelt!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery for him! -- -Ann "Now, go away, or I shall taunt you a second time."

"I have got pepperoni. Wherever it lands, that's where the miracle will happen." ~ Gary Busey
Message 27 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Thank you Ann:-) ~~~Jan:-x
Message 28 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

Oh, Jan...that is the BEST news of all here...Bless his heart, hope his recovery is speedy and complete! Has your heart rate settled down to normal ranges yet???? Best wishes to all of you!! ♥ Elizabeth
Message 29 of 105
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The GOOD NEWS thread ...

It is the BEST news Elizabeth. My heart still races every now & then. We just came back from the hospital. We've been there all day. He had to have another surgery today but he is doing wonderful~~~Thank you all for caring~~~Jan:-x
Message 30 of 105
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