Congratz to you Jillian! Yay! A new job, new adventure in life...maybe they'll let you 'work from home' eventually!! Wouldn't THAT be great? YOU betcha!
Best of luck with the baby birdie Kathy, I know it's a bit of work or did you put it back in the nest? Awww, sweet little thing.
I had to put my cats inside for a while, to give the baby birds here a chance to survive. The Blue Jays made a nest in our backyard tree. The babies are big now, they made it! They are bathing in the bird bath right now!
Every time the cats would get near the tree those parents would swoop down in attack mode and start squawking...I'd run out and chase the cats away...whew! Beside babysitting birds I had my two grandsons over for three weeks, I'm tired out! LOL
Hope to get some artwork done soon, that challenge looks fun!
I just recently submitted a design to Tattooed Steel, BUTTERFLIES by Cherie, if you'd kindly vote on it! I'd be so grateful and happy if ya would!! If not, thatz cool too...take a look!
Take care all, chat again soonly!
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