I called Paypal last night & spent 51 minutes on the phone with someone who barely spoke English! For some reason the last 3 times I have printed a shipping label thru Paypal, the return address is where I lived 4 yrs ago! So I called Paypal & the lady kept telling me I had to remove my ebay ID & then re-add it, etc. Finally, while she is jabbering, I clicked on Print Shipping Label. There is my old address again! However, this time I noticed (in tiny blue print) words that said Edit Address. So - I clicked & then clicked the address default button & presto - My current address showed up. I tried to explain to the lady I fixed it myself & she kept telling me I had to change my address with ebay & Paypal, etc. She could not seem to understand that my address with those 2 is correct - but for some reason the labels were printing off a 4 yr old address. I finally just said THANKS! & hung up.
I guess I should have tried the Edit Address button before - but honestly - I didn't think of it. However, it will be a cold day in hell before I call Paypal again! They were absolutely no help - and I could barely understand the person.