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eBay is making changes. Input please?

Hi everyone...hope the weekend is going well! We received this email from the "Finding Team" on eBay, and we thought we should start a thread in here for EVERYONE to have a say, share your thoughts and opinions, and communicate your concerns. They want to hear from us by the 18th, about how you feel about this, then we'll think about putting up a poll and see where we stand as a group. Then we'll report back to them and let them know how ACEO feels about these changes as a whole. Hi Everyone - We have some ideas we would like to implement and would appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance MarniSue PM Finding Team Proposed Changes to Art Category and IS in early 2008 The Classification team has been getting a lot of great feedback from emails and the discussion boards about improving the experience in Art. We’ve come up with some suggestions and we’d like to consult with you before making any changes. Our team will be reading and responding to threads for until January 18th. Here’s our proposal: Removing the “Self-Representing Artists” and “Self-Representing ACEOs” categories. We’ve heard from many self-representing artists about the placement of SRA and ACEO categories. Sellers are telling us they need to list in two categories (such as SRAs and Paintings) in order to get the proper exposure. Our proposal changes the way we identify an SRA or ACEO piece: instead of using categories, we’ll use Item Specifics. So a seller would choose one category (like Paintings) then use Item Specifics to describe the listing as either an SRA piece, an ACEO, or both. Buyers would still be able to search specifically for works by Self-Representing Artists or ACEOs by selecting from the new Item Specific values on the search results pages. Effects of the proposed changes 1) No need to list an SRA painting (for example) in two categories. 2) No need to search in two categories for an SRA painting. 3) Buyers who want to see all SRA paintings, or all paintings that are not SRAs, will be able to do so easily. 4) Buyers would not be able to browse through an all-ACEO or an all-SRA category. 5) Buyers would not be able to browse through categories that do not contain ACEOs & SRAs. More updates for Item Specifics in Art We’ve been hearing that the Item Specifics in Art are redundant and illogical. We’ve come up with a proposal to improve them. Here’s an overview of our suggestions: 1. Size values will be added. 2. An option to identify a piece as Signed. 3. Certificate of Authenticity values: Yes, Available Upon Request, or No. 4. Prints. Available choices for Type of Print would be based on whether the seller identifies the piece as an original or a reproduction. 5. Remove the value “Original Listed by Artist.” Instead, describe the seller as follows: Listed By Self-Representing Artist Gallery, Agent, or Collector Other We’ve posted a mock-up of our suggestions so you can see them in action. The Mockups are for Art Prints, but all the proposed changes (except for Print Type) will be implemented in Paintings, Drawings and Folk Art. Listed by, Signed and Certificate of Authenticity will be implemented for Photo Images, Posters & Sculpture. To see how these changes would look in the category structure and access links listing of all the Item Specifics changes, please see here: Proposed Changes (SYI view): Proposed Changes (Product Finder view): Example of how to define SRA & ACEO in Item Specifics in SYI flow: Current Item Specifics In SYI (for reference): Have a look! What we’d like to hear from you by January 18th: Do you see any issues with the proposed changes? What do you like about the proposed changes? Has anything been overlooked? -- Kelly :-x My ebay listings: Read Jeanne's ACEO Guides! Click on "links" on the left! -- Edited by kellyscolorstudio at 01/05/2008 5:30 PM -- Edited by kellyscolorstudio at 01/23/2008 9:35 PM

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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I just checked out the Paintings category. I see that the Item Specifics includes a section for Original/Repro, with a sub-category for "Original-Listed by Artist". This section is at the top of the "Specifics" categories. If this section could be made more distinct and important (with Bolder or larger type for example), maybe we wouldn't get lost among the other types of art. If people could see that it was important for them to decide whether they want to buy from a dealer, etc. or SRA first, then they could do so. Also, would there be a category for Reproductions that have been "Listed by Artist"? Many SRA artists list their own reproductions too.
Message 46 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

Forest, eBay's plan is to 'Remove the value “Original Listed by Artist.” Instead, describe the seller as follows: Listed By Self-Representing Artist Gallery, Agent, or Collector Other' May --
Message 47 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

Message 48 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I agree it would be helpful to have the size category; as a buyer I get sick of having to read every title or the fine print to see if the item fits what I am looking for. I would like for eBay to keep SRA as a main category and ditch the SRA-ACEO category. Crickets - they would be removing SRA from the Main Page Search under Art. In order to find a SRA you would have to first click on a main ART category such as: Digital Art or Folk Art or Textile and then you could choose SRA. In my mind I don't think eBay could slap SRA's any harder in the face than to DEMOTE SRA from the main page to a sub category. As of right now eBay has 10,801 auction under SRA and 1,339 under SRA-ACEO. That's 13,140 auctions by individual artists who have CHOSEN to be classified SRA. Look at the whole picture: Digital 1,264 auctions Drawings 3,155 auctions Folk Art 4,953 auctions Mixed M 1,109 Paints 39,185 Photo 6,372 Posters 39,661 Prints 54,557 Sculpture 7,893 *SRA 10,801 *SRA-ACO 1,339 *making SRA total 13,140 Textile 197 Other 2,491 Removing SRA from the main page categories is a BAD BUSINESS move all the way around. I think SRAs have, by way of auction numbers, earned the right to keep their own MAIN PAGE category. Out of 13 main categories, SRAs ranks 4th in over all listings and the grand idea is to reduce their collective contribution to ART by subdividing them based on their medium form? Nope, that’s not working for me.
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

birdbluffstudio, the problem with SRA-ACEO is that many buyers still do not know what an ACEO is. Better to be "found" amount the SRAs than to be over looked because new buyers don't click on SRA-ACEO as an initial choice. Just a thought.
Message 50 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I'm with Robert also. The last changes took my sales to absolutely nothing after several months of selling everything listed. I have quit listing at this point, and didn't list anything during the Christmas season. I saw no point to throwing good money after bad. Another change, whether it is seen as good or bad, is going to give art buyers yet another reason to go somewhere else to shop, in my opinion. When given too many choices, many people don't take the time, or put forth the effort to decide. I have always used the SRA catagory, and then put ACEO in my title and description. I loved listing and Selling on e-Bay, but like I said, the last changes forced me to hold on to what I made, and go to other venues for my sales. I would absolutely love to be listing and selling every week again. Just don't see it happening. The unnecessary changes made before are still impacting sales for artists, as I see it. --

Message 51 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

What are you actually fixing by doing this??? I think you are actually creating a buyer disaster for those of us who are trying to sell art. It's all about BUYER COMFORT. No matter what you do with categories an artist is ALWAYS going to have to list in more than one if so called maximum exposure is desired. It costs money to get maximum exposure - if you think there is real value to it. That's never going to change. Maximum exposure however is rarely worth what it costs. The solution for those who would like to see this changed is to find out what categories ACTUALLY produce for them rather than assuming they all would. You can do this by asking your buying customers how they found you on ebay and keep a tally. Whatever the method is that is most common, emphasize that. Spend a little for the next most common and forget the rest. You'll probably learn most find your art without using categories too awfully much. Search box is most likely what gets used since it is the least complicated. In seven years of buying on ebay I have NEVER used categories. Always search box. To fix what isn't broken because a few have complained about the expense of listing in multiple categories is only going to make life annoying for buyers. NOT GOOD! Annoyed buyers stop shopping. Those that are accustomed to using the existing art categories are going to be totally confused when they don't exist any longer. Some will certainly think "ebay doesn't sell ACEO's anymore?" People are often not as bright as we think when it comes to changing something they are used to. If you've ever gone through a software change in the workplace you can relate. Leave it all as is. That's my wish.
Message 52 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I am concerned about my digital art offerings. There is a category for digital art in the proposed changes, but apparently that's it. There is no breakdown of type of digital art. Digital art can include screensavers, wallpapers, web page templates, etc. I suppose I could list as original or limited edition print other. Not sure what I think about the removal of SRA as a category. Could wind up buried in a multitude of listings. The other side of the coin is your art is listed with all the big name artists too. I do like some of the new subdivisions, but like others, not sure if COAs are necessary. Will think on this some more. Sandra
Message 53 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I would like to see eBay keep the self-representing artist category...I think you really need that...I want them to keep original as well as have a print category...They can do away with the ACEO as a separate category....I like the idea of size categories...Like you could have SFA-the Small Format Art (which takes in the ACEOs)...and a Large Format Art...As far as works being signed or having a COA...well, that is something the individual artist can put in their auction description...A lot of people don't place much importance on that anyway...the interest being more in the work itself. I would like to see them work a little more on the categories UNDER self-representing artists...You have styles & mediums and subjects...I have thought they needed some improvements.....We do need the self-representing artist category though!....
Message 54 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I agree with Sandra and Sue about digital art and photography. So far those are the two media that I have used to create my ACEO, and sometimes I combine them. I am selling quite a few, but under plain digital art they would be mixed in with screensavers etc. as Sandra said. I looked into both the now existing photo and digital art categories before I listed anything, and decided SRA was where I wanted to be. As far as listing in 2 categories goes, I do not want to have to do that with my ACEO as my prices start pretty low and 2 listings costs more. If I have to list under photography instead of SRA the subject list would be very important to me. My photos are of wildlife and macro flowers. I think Ebay should have more photo subjects for buyers to choose from instead of all those dates and types of film. It does seem as though there is almost no thought about Digital Fine Art in the changes. Actually there never has been in SRA either, but I have added it under "Other" in my listings. Digital Photography should be in the changes too! -- Hannah Please visit my Ebay auctions My Website
Visit my ME page to see all my listings...Thanks
Message 55 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I have only just joined this ebay group and have not sold art in this manner on eBay, so I cannot speak to how this would specifically affect the SRA sales category. However, I would argue that this kind of change could be problematic for item categorization and may prove more challenging for buyers to seek out items that they might be interested in purchasing. Significant changes to to the process might lead to widespread buyer confusion. This seems like it might be an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" matter to me.
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

Jillian, to answer your question about the New Orleans architectural artists and their line art prints with watercolor, they were often impressionist exercises in light. The building was the same and the details the same and the color of the light, time of day, length of shadows, color of everything varied in the painting. One artist was very good at doing different shadows in every print and always making it seem like a study of the times of day. I liked them. They weren't expensive, but they weren't 99 cent prints either, they ranged from about $15 to $45 depending on size and were offset printed on good watercolor paper, then painted in different palettes and styles by the artist. Some were monochromes, others not, and some artists loved a sort of rainbow palette that had a lot of wet into wet shading that was different every time. I kept meaning to buy one from my favorite artist before I left, but left in a hurry so I didn't get down there. Also a swamp painting from one of the many artists who were so good at doing cypresses and herons and egrets. -- robertsloan2art -- original ACEO, OSWOA and larger artwork. A big part of life is recognizing that creativity is human. It's not limited to a special Talented few gifted and cursed by the gods to become high-paid superstars
Message 57 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

Thank you for posting that breakdown, bluesbrowneyes. It reaffirms my intuitive perception that SRA is the important category for listing original art, rather than by medium, and that SRA is a much bigger one than SRA-ACEO. -- robertsloan2art -- original ACEO, OSWOA and larger artwork. A big part of life is recognizing that creativity is human. It's not limited to a special Talented few gifted and cursed by the gods to become high-paid superstars
Message 58 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I haven't looked at this in full yet, but my first reaction is I really do not like the inclusion of COA..its like suggesting work without a COA is somehow a lesser original. Artists should not be required/feel it obliged to have a should be a matter of individual choice. This is something the ebay search engines can pick up on if COA is included in the item description (& buyers looking for work with COAs know how to search!). -- Naj :) Rambling on at My Depictions
Naj 🙂

Rambling on at My Depictions
Message 59 of 261
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Re eBay is making changes. Input please?

I do wood burning with pastels, sometimes color pencils and sometimes acrylics. I don't know what ACEO SRA stands for. I belong to and ACEO group and I know that they are miniature trading card sized works. sounds idiotic to be in a group and not know what the title stands for but, I'm a keyword person not a category person. you want pencil? you type in pencil. mixed media? type in mixed media. I understand that half the buyers on eBay do a keyword search and the other half do category search. I'm pretty sure that seekers of art work fall into the same patterns as general seekers. Item specifics do not show up in keyword searches. nor does the infamous "sub title" one of the biggest rip offs there are in listing options. So I'm in the mid section on this one. it could be good and it could be bad. and........maybe I'm confused on the issue.
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