05-07-2013 08:37 AM
We have been doing 4 Swaps a year, one for each season. Today is the start of our Spring Swap. This one is going to be different then our normal swaps. Its simple and easy to do. You may sign up only 2 times and this will be a direct swap with the person who is your partner. We had a suggestion from Lisa awhile back on an idea she had, so we are going to incorporate it in this swap. when you are given your partners name you will send them a ACEO that you have not finished. It could be one you started and just couldn't figure out how to finish, or you can start one and leave it unfinished. You will send this ACEO to your partner who in turn will send you one of theirs. When they are done everyone can post them to see the results.
1.Post your name and email address in this thread
2.Swap is open from 5-7-13 to 5-17-13 at which time it will be locked
3.On 5-18-13 list of partners will be posted
Do not sign up if you can not follow through.
05-07-2013 09:01 AM
This will be the first time that I have signed up for a swap. I would love to participate. My name is Diana Bracy and email is bracys@cox.net
Where would I select a name? Since we are allowed two, do I select two different people?
This is exciting because I have a few that are unfinished and would love to see what someone will do with them.
Diana B.
05-07-2013 09:14 AM
This sounds like fun!
Cathie Roach cathie@mnsi.net
05-07-2013 09:53 AM
Count me in!
Sue Johnson suejo0101@aol.com
05-07-2013 10:19 AM
Sure! I haven't done one for awhile! Sign me up for 1.
05-07-2013 10:26 AM
it's been a long time since I tried doing these. It should be fun.
Sing me up for 2
I can come up with a couple of ideas. 🙂
05-07-2013 11:50 AM
Yes, sign me up. Thanks. Penny Stewart pennybiz@yahoo.com
05-07-2013 12:13 PM
I will sign up for one - Barbara Donati email: badomaca@yahoo.com
05-07-2013 04:31 PM
I'm signing up for 2 cannb@ponyexpress.net'
05-07-2013 04:32 PM
Dianne when the sign up period ends I will post a list of names in this thread with who the partners are so just check back in after the 17th and the list will beup.
05-07-2013 05:18 PM
Sign me up for one. ksgoeben@ptd.net
05-07-2013 11:42 PM
Beverly Goding beverlygoding@gmail.com
05-08-2013 04:03 AM
05-08-2013 07:00 AM
after the swapped card is completed.... - I assume you mail the finished piece back to each other to sell/trade/collect? -
I'm in for one... (my first time - I'd be love to give it a try)
- ccarbonaro313@optonline.net
05-08-2013 07:00 AM