Due to popular demand… We are introducing an
Open Topic SWAP.
Open Topic SWAP is an organized SWAP that allows you to exchange any original ACEO of your liking, regardless of theme or medium.
***This SWAP will be held in addition to our regular monthly themed SWAPS.
If you would like to join us, please sign up here!
Open Topic Swap Rules
When you sign up for the Swap you are agreeing that the art you send will
a) be an
original ACEO, seeing as how that's what this group is about,
be mailed to your partner in a timely manner; preferably by the end of the month.
**If you are not able to send your card out on time then it is very important that you contact your partner to let them know of the delay.
OPEN TOPIC means the theme and medium of the
original ACEO is completely determined by the artist. The recipient will have no idea what they are getting until the ACEO is received! Very exciting!!
During the first week of each month, ACEO members have an opportunity to sign up to participate in a Card Swap. Moderators will be the swap hosts. Swap sign up lasts 3 days. The mod starts the "Swap Sign Up" thread. The mod hosting will send out an email to remind members to sign up and will also start a 'Swap Talk' thread to discourage chatting on the Sign Up thread itself.
During the 3 days of the Swap Sign Up, members post to the thread. Members may sign up as many times as they like.
A proper 'post' should be no longer than a couple of words. For example, 'I'm in,' or 'Me!,' or something similar. Your user name is sufficient for identification, but first names are encouraged.
Each sign up, or 'post' obligates that member to make and Swap one card. Post 3 times, and you're obligated to Swap 3 cards, etc.
If for any reason it is necessary to 'chat' on the Sign Up thread, please begin the message with *not a post* so you won't be counted in the final list. If there are questions, or if a member needs clarification, they should contact a Mod, or the Host, rather than use that thread.
Depending on the decision of the moderator, the 'Swapping Direction' may go from top to bottom, or bottom to top. The 'Swap Direction' is kept secret until the end of the 3 day sign up period.
You may create your cards ahead of time, but you won't know to whom they should be sent until the Swap Direction is announced.
Within 1 or 2 days after a Sign Up has ended, the hosting mod posts the final 'Swap Partner List' as a new thread. This is the list of members' names in the order in which they posted. At that time, the 'Swap Direction' is also announced, and noted at the top of the list.
Each individual is responsible for exchanging the correct information with their swap partner - mailing address etc. If your swap partner has not contacted you, please contact them.
Each member checks the 'Swap Partner List' to find out the name of their Swap Partner(s.)
Each member should email their Swap Partner, AND the member who will be sending them a card, to exchange or provide mailing addresses. The eBay 'Contact Member' or eBay’s email message system should be used for this exchange. Remember to look for the little message envelope next to your avatar and click on it to receive messages.
After you receive your Swap card,
PLEASE share it with all of us by posting a picture of it in the Open Swap Photo Album that will be set up each month. If for some reason you can't post a picture, your partner who created it may be able to post it for you if you let them know.
If you have any questions about these instructions, please contact a Mod for clarification.
Have fun swapping!
SWAP Chat thread LINK:
Edited by danniellerae at 05/03/2008 6:34 AM PDT
Edited by danniellerae at 05/03/2008 6:44 AM PDT
Edited by danniellerae at 05/06/2008 7:58 AM PDT
Edited by danniellerae at 05/06/2008 7:59 AM PDT