10-11-2013 05:45 PM
Please use this thread to post images and/or link to your ACEO auctions. Kepping them all in one thread helps everyone find your items and gives you more exposure
10-16-2013 12:19 PM
Just listed.
Guinea Pig Buddies
10-17-2013 11:29 AM
Just listed on ebay today my Halloween Jack O Lantern
10-20-2013 02:47 AM
Did somebody mention it was getting harder to find the group?
I tried searching for community or groups and found there was no links whatsoever. I kept thinking: if I lost my bookmark and the groups address changes, I'll never find it. I finally typed communtiy.ebay.com in my browsers address bar and it was around that area. I guess they are trying to slowly phase out groups. Ugh!
10-20-2013 12:28 PM
I was told by a friend of mine to list my aceo's under "listed by artist" cause that is what it is, but she said when telling about the artist which is me to put it as another person. In other words instead of saying me , she said put jk or her or she. I did that but it seems weird to me. Now I hate to go back and change about 50 listings, what do you all think.
Far so long I didn't explain much about my background and now that I have it seems I've explained to much. Yes, I do need to do a page about "me", but just don't know what all I want to say or rather don't want to say to much or to little. Anyway any advise would be appreciated. Thanks for letting me vent and rant...lol
Oh and here is my new listing today without any explaining of the artist for now.
10-20-2013 01:35 PM
I do not talk about myself in the third person. I too, find it a little too odd and uncomfortable.
I would not think that would really alter my success in selling, but that's just my opinon.
10-21-2013 08:54 PM
I always list on LISTED BY ARTIST because that is what it is. I too dislike it when artists write about themselves in the third person. It is odd and seemingly dishonest and they are often full of hearts and flowers which annoys me. That is they include stories about their illnesses and other such personal and occasionally weird things.
I also didn't know what to say about myself so I wound up saying as little as possible on my ME page. Never in my description because I feel if one must describe anything, describe the art because that's what being sold, not the artist -- at least not in the honest world.
Hope this helps.
10-21-2013 08:59 PM
10-22-2013 09:43 PM
I should add that if a third party is seemingly selling your art - and it is not in the LISTED BY ARTIST category, then a third party description would be more professional.
10-24-2013 10:29 AM
more listings from me.
taking it slow...... only a couple a week right now. Work is too busy and gets in the way of having fun drawing ACEO's
10-25-2013 05:49 PM - edited 10-25-2013 05:52 PM
Chuck: It's really nice that somebody here does nudes. I only did them in life group and they were hugh pad sized - mostly charcoals. I've only done one ACEO nude for an NFAC theme - I guess the theme was nudes. The nude was kneeling and all of her fit well on the small size.
Good luck with them.
10-25-2013 05:56 PM
PS I just noticed there is an ACEO Adult content group - wondered if you knew about it?
10-28-2013 01:23 PM
if you like possum
thank you for looking..
10-29-2013 06:32 AM
Thanks drs_art -
yeah i do - i am a member of ACEO XR.
They have an external blog site as well.
Glad you like my stuff! Its the genre i find myself most drawn to.
i started drawing some 'horror' cards as well recently. Hoping to 'branch out' a bit.
10-29-2013 07:57 AM
New ACEO original... listed this week... check it out now... 🙂