06-07-2011 09:55 PM
Wow - Bob and Leola you have both really done superb work I love all of them.
-- Edited by redinkylee at 06/21/2011 11:54 AM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 09/08/2012 6:50 AM PDT04-25-2012 06:25 AM
Dorothea, that is beautiful 🙂
Here is one that is ending today:
05-01-2012 05:13 PM
I've been away from the group for about 6 weeks and can't believe all the great eye candy I was missing!
Great artwork here!
05-01-2012 08:38 PM
What Sue said! GREAT work!
05-01-2012 09:47 PM
Here are some aceos I relisted.
"Night Watcher"
05-02-2012 03:09 AM
Here's mine-just now getting back into this group!
Showin' some kitty and rooster love.:-x
05-03-2012 03:11 PM
05-04-2012 12:14 PM
05-05-2012 09:40 PM
Oh that Ballerina Kitty is the cutest! Great job 😃
Here are two new ones from me....
Please click the View Listings link to see details 😉
05-07-2012 01:30 AM
05-07-2012 09:56 PM
I recently listed the following aceos.
"Day Watcher"
"Wood Duck"
Thanks for looking.
05-07-2012 10:38 PM
Hey there, I lited 3 Fridas, here' one of them...
05-08-2012 07:49 AM
05-08-2012 12:33 PM
I have a few ACEO's listed right now. This is the newest.
05-08-2012 01:50 PM
To: 0ziskin, I can see the Chinese influence in your paintings. Fabulous! Love your use of color and style.
05-08-2012 07:50 PM
I'm diggin' that little foxy!