06-07-2011 09:55 PM
Wow - Bob and Leola you have both really done superb work I love all of them.
-- Edited by redinkylee at 06/21/2011 11:54 AM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 09/08/2012 6:50 AM PDT08-01-2011 07:52 PM
Maybe next time Carolyn.
Honeybee, those are wonderful cats.
Brenda, I love your landscapes, as always, they are first rate.
I thought I had posted about Danielle's cartoons, but may be I never hit the post button. anyway, tell her my favorite is the "deliver us from email." Cracks me up every time I read it. 😃
08-02-2011 03:55 AM
Sorry the pics are so huge! I will figure out how to make them smaller one of these days...
Thank u for the nice comments on my last pieces 🙂 Here's another kitty cat. This one starts at Aug. 2, 7:00 pm, ends Aug 7.
"Peek-A-Boo Tabby Cat & Geranium" ACEO Watercolor
Hope everyone's having a nice summer!
08-02-2011 05:04 AM
Hiro the kittens are wonderful and Brenda your landscapes are beautiful.
08-02-2011 12:35 PM
Thanks for all the kind comments...here is another one from me.
08-02-2011 12:36 PM
what an amazing cat painting...mesmerising...
08-02-2011 07:46 PM
08-03-2011 09:30 AM
Just going through about 2 weeks worth of posts. All the art is awesome!!!!! Good luck with your listings!!!!!
08-05-2011 11:59 AM
Since the eBay messages change, whenever I click on the REPLY button on the top of the page, it takes a forever wait time for the reply box to appear. I wonder what other upcoming future "improvements" will be bestowed upon us to make our life harder?
Anyway - here's a pretty raven on a harvest yellow background and a cute mini-lop.
08-07-2011 07:45 AM
Beautiful work, everyone! Thanks for sticking with groups through the new wave of changes, it takes a while to learn our way around.
Jean posted elsewhere that you can still use HTML code if you prefer to post images that way. Look for the tiny "HTML" in the Post toolbar (visible once you type your reply to a post). "HTML" is located in the bottom row, between text color/spell check and quotes/smiley faces.
08-09-2011 08:10 PM
I'm gone for a few days to work and I come back to this really awesome work. Thanks for sharing everyone.
Kathryn, that butterfly is beautiful. We have those same ones all over this summer where in the past hardly saw any. I think it is the extra wet weather we've had this year. 😃
Hmmm, Brenda, it looks cooler where that cabin is then it was here today. Beautifully done.
Drs, love your your critters, especially the flop-earred rabbit.
Hiroko, love the peek-a-boo cat. Bigger is easier on my eyes, so I don't mind. 😃
08-11-2011 12:46 PM
Hi guys! I just wanted to note that I have an ACEO up for auction where 100% of the profit goes to charity. Specifically the IRC, which has been helping drought victims in the Horn of Africa. You can find it at---> http://r.ebay.com/o5LRQT
The piece in question is an original, not a print. It was hand inked and painted, and has gold highlights.
08-11-2011 03:17 PM
I love all the work, especially the cats and other critters. Brenda, your landscapes are like fairytale landscapes. Beautiful!
08-11-2011 07:32 PM
This is the latest one from me. Couldn't get the image - hope the URL takes you to the listing!
<img src=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350484439248&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT>
08-14-2011 11:42 PM
Well, it's been a little bit but I finally have some new cards listed!
Hope this works for adding images into the thread for various groups! ::crosses fingers and knocks on wood:: LOL!
Ms. Marvel:
Poison Ivy:
Thanks for looking!! 🙂
08-16-2011 01:17 PM
Let me see if I can get them to work Alyssa. They're way too good not to show off. 🙂
I loveMystique (the third one).