I've received them unsigned, with nothing, and never bought from them again.
I wasn't mad at them or anything, it's just my personal choice with art work. I even went to a gallery of an artist friend, bought a print of her work, and made her undo the shrink wrap and sign it, and she was puzzled as to why.
I was in a bidding war over one once, and later got an email from the other bidder who belongs in ACEO group who was a friend - she said, well, be glad you DIDN'T win it - it was unsigned - nothing at all on the back.
Can I just add to above, that I also put medium.
For watercolor I'll put: original watercolor
For collage, I'll specify what I used, vintage paper, plant material, etc.
Thanks for resurecting this Kelly.
artist, Jillian Crider
... google me!