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refusing to take questions from buyers

I have run across this


We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of messages this seller receives, they are unable to respond to your specific question right now. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing.


can sellers refuse to answer questions about items?  Does this not set you up for returns and problems?



Message 1 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

Good morning Honda!  You know I love shelties!


OK, perhaps I should say, no *new* downsides, and a handful of upsides . . . unless i'm overlooking something.

"Don't close your eyes! They can still hit you with your eyes closed!" - my son's Karate Sensei 😄
Message 16 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

@she-sells wrote:


HEY I MISSED YOUR AUCTION END  - Really? it was on for 7 days why did you wait and not throw a bid on it you would have won it as the only bidder.



OH BOY I CAN't Wait to hear from the BUYER sympathizers on this board that love to RIP your SELLERS technics  (its allways the same board part time dwellers) bring it on!



 Really?  I missed an auction last week, due to working late.... I would have been the only bidder.  Messaged the seller and asked if he would end his relist for $10 over his previous closed min bid.  He made a sale, and money he couldn't make in previous auction.  You see, he's here to make MONEY, and not prove points or wave flags. By the way, he's made 3 more sales from me, and is on my favorite sellers list...,  and I like to think I have an edge on other buyers with him.  Good luck on your hard line....I here you can relist indefinately when items don't sell.



Message 17 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

Sarcasm when answering a question might be fun but is not helpful if you are selling.


Either give a reasonable answer if you might want that person as a buyer or don't answer at all.


If you give a sarcastic answer, the person asking the question might decide to buy just so they can hammer you with a dispute plus bad feedback.  No answer will probably just convince them you are lazy or careless or uncaring and not a seller they want to deal with.


A reasonable answer to a dumb question will, at worst, waste a couple minutes of your time and at best, get you a good sale.

“Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country”. Ron Paul
Message 18 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

and when it's a boring rainy day,you can occasionally get a bad case of the giggles by typing a crazy response and deleting before you post the reasonable answer,lol!

Message 19 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

and when it's a boring rainy day,you can occasionally get a bad case of the giggles by typing a crazy response and deleting before you post the reasonable answer,lol!




The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Message 20 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

i also read them to my husband,we're both a little strange,lol!!!

Message 21 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

Raising my hand to be included in the "strange" group!  Quite often the clothing board will have threads about what they would "like to say" to a buyer, but didn't - most are laugh out loud funny! 

How much better life would be, if a liar's pants really did catch fire!
Message 22 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers



Ya mean ID's that buy distressed jeans and want to know why they are not new but look used??

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Message 23 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

bwaahhhaaahhaahhaaa!!! i've SEEN one of those on buyer central,lol!!!Woman Very Happy

Message 24 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

@she-sells wrote:

My Husband & myself have this arguement constantly on how to handle certian questions either DUMB or NORMAL.


He tells me I should ignore and not to answer DUMB questions...and to answer ones about the item function or size.


The ones I hate, but cant help reply = 


LOW BALL OFFERS  --   I reply this is not a flea market 🙂 it is an auction if you want to make an offer it is always for more than opening bid.


DON"T LIKE SHIPPING PRICE  -  I reply you ship it to me for the price you want to pay !


I will work with someone that lives in a close state and refund balance if it is less.  Unfortunatly I have no idea if the winning buyer is in California or my state that is why I use Flat rate on most items.


HEY I MISSED YOUR AUCTION END  - Really? it was on for 7 days why did you wait and not throw a bid on it you would have won it as the only bidder.


WHEN THEY ASK FOR INFO THAT IS ALREADY IN THE DESCRIPTION  - This one drives me absoulutly bonkers



If you really want the item shipped overseas why are you your worried about cost.



OH BOY I CAN't Wait to hear from the BUYER sympathizers on this board that love to RIP your SELLERS technics  (its allways the same board part time dwellers) bring it on!





I like your husbands way of looking at things.!

Would you consider letting him post here instead of you ?


Who will save the river valley , that's my drinking water.! "Moxy Fruvous"
Message 25 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

Sometimes posts on the boards actually top any sillyness a buyer can come up with.  I read this one a couple days ago and found myself wondering it logic has died or is just hard to find.


"I've been eBaying as a buyer and seller for over ten years, and use it as my only source of income, but I have no faith in the eBay system, and would never recommend it to any one."

“Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country”. Ron Paul
Message 26 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

I have chosen not to answer buyer questions because I'm shy.

Message 27 of 28
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Re: refusing to take questions from buyers

Topsite - yet you have plenty of time to troll the discussion boards.

Message 28 of 28
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