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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Sure is terrible to watch what's happening down there. I find myself transfixed on YouTube, watching some of their local coverage. Hard to believe. Was wondering if anyone knows if any of our phellow pharties are in that area. 

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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Number 11... Tropical Storm "Katia" is expected to strengthen into a hurricane before making landall in eastern Mexico by this weekend. Katia formed early Wednesday morning in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico about 100 miles east of Tampico, Mexico.

Message 16 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Jose is now a cat 1 hurricane behind Irma. In the Atlantic.

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 17 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Howdy everybody, still alive and dry, I know it's been a very long time but many many things have been going on and I kinda got away from posting.  For those that are aware of me I hope you all are doing well. For those that are not aware of me, I'm SPDRWB52 or also known as SPIDEY! My, the weather has really been punching at us, I'm not in Houston so I haven't seen the true damage that has been done there, but I will say that we have seen many come to our city (Austin) and have seen many decide to stay here. Now we have another one coming to Florida. I hope everyone stays safe and dry and I'll try and get back more times than not.  Love you all, from the great state of TEXAS.

Message 18 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Hiya spdr! Glad to hear you are safe.

Don't be a stranger.

Everyone has options. Just be sure the best option is right for you.
Message 19 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

spider, I'm glad to hear you are well and happy to see you posting again.

Message 20 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 21 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

How can this even be real?  I feel like we are living in some psycho movie or something. I feel so bad for the younger generation of regular folk. How can they even know what it's like to hope for a better future? At least I had that for a time.

Message 22 of 23
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Any of the regulars in the Harvey zone?

I remember, when I was young, we were going to be the generation

that would change the world, we would make it better, we grew our

hair, smoked our pot and then realized we had to go to the concrete

jungle for jobs... the dream fizzled out and we continued the loosing

tradition of our parents of electing mainly useless old white men, who

refuse to see the truth and are more concerned about keeping their

pay and power by getting re-elected than any ofus and like morons...

we keep putting them back in Office to run... or is that ruin the Country.


So,  I look to my son's generation... I look with, as doigle said, Hope.

Then the truth kicks you in the puffy parts... unless someone creates

an App to clean up the environment, there is no hope that this selfie

obsessed, smart phoned, not so smart generation will do anything,

many can't even be bothered to vote... then again, they would have

to choose from the same barrel of useless monkeys running again,

which our generation has repeatedly voted for do the right thing for

all of us and future generations... that simply isn't working.


So, I look to my grandchild and wonder what world will she grow up in.

What will be left for her generation? Will we be cursed and despised

for doing nothing when we had the chance? I bet we will.

Message 23 of 23
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