02-28-2017 10:06 AM
ebay - Please clarify this statement contained in the Spring Update regarding the increased tracking upload requirement:
'Note that this increased threshold applies to US Top Rated Sellers, and only.....'
Does this mean only honest to goodness real Americans will be held to this higher standard?
Will the invisible off-shore sellers who claim to be located in the United States be held to this higher standard?
Will this new metric apply to every man, woman or company who sells on US ebay regardless of where in the world the actual seller resides?
ebay ignores weather events that affect the pick up and movement of package delivery unless they reach catastrophic proportions. Will ebay mitigate the potential for loss of TRS dues to weather events beyond control of the seller which affect smaller geographic areas? Floods, tornadoes, blizzards, ice storms, mud slides, etc. One storm could cost a seller their TRS status.
02-28-2017 10:29 AM
I agree, does this apply to every listing on US ONLY searches? Or sellers located in the US Only? Please clarify this statement, in plain English.
02-28-2017 10:36 AM