If I refuse to go with the 30 day return and I was a top rated seller what will I be then??
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‎04-05-2016 07:23 PM
I am a top rated seller and I am going to refuse to change my 14 day return to 30 day return. I know I will be losing the discount but will I still be a power seller and will people be able to see the only reason I am not top rated is my return policy? It will be interesting to see if it makes that much difference and if it does how many sellers will quit. What are your thoughts?
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‎04-05-2016 07:51 PM
You will not lose TRS status.
The return policy requirement only applies to getting the TRS-Plus badge on your listings and getting the 20% final value fee credit for those listings.
You'll still be a TRS, and that yellow bar will still show up on your feedback page. And you'll still be eligible for Commercial Plus rates on Priority Mail postage purchased for eBay shipping labels.
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12:26 AM
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04:03 PM
My best guess is ebay is loosing too much revenue with the 20% discount and they want to force some sellers out of the program with 30 day returns.
If you don't do 30 day returns your monthly fees will just increase by 20% eventually
ebay ALWAYS has your back, just remember they are also holding a knife,,,,
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‎04-06-2016 02:41 AM
I was wondering the same.
I really have had no complaints about selling but this 30 day policy has gotten me very upset.How do you give 30 days on preowned clothing? I 'm thinking its one way of taking the fee discount away from Top Sellers.
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‎04-06-2016 04:18 AM
I agree with you. 99.9% of my items are used. How can you justify a 30 day return on used items, such as clothing, glasswear, ect?
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‎04-06-2016 04:20 AM
Re: If I refuse to go with the 30 day return and I was a top rated seller what will I be then??
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‎04-06-2016 04:51 AM - edited ‎04-06-2016 04:52 AM
Exactly and buyers already do have 30 days with ebay MBG
Sellers with A no return policy or 14 day policy you are still going to have to take returns for SNAD under ebay MBG
Buyers have had 30days all along and most buyers will file the snad so sellers have to take the return & pay the return shipping.
And if you try to fight it it is an escalated case , Once ebay steps in & seller loses it is a defect under the Fall 2015 seller standards. not seller resolved.
Doesn't take many of them to get you below standard
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‎04-06-2016 05:27 AM
The real question appears to be why don't we all have a 180 day return policy if that is the reality? So IS IT OR ISN'T IT? I think the most important question is HOW TO AVOID BEING FORCED to pay return shipping when the buyer simply had a change of heart. A half dozen cases of high dollar returns where you get stuck paying the shipping too could be devastating to the average seller.
It scares me since I rely on my sales to help pay bills.
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‎04-06-2016 05:34 AM
I agree with the replies. I am an individual seller that sells vintage and used and collectibles. I know ebay has these ridiculous return policies in place. We are not selling new guaranteed items like the big chain stores that EBAY also allows to sell on their site. If a buyer has a problem with an item I am sure they go through the store site to resolve it. (less work for ebay) Ebay forgot who helped them start up their site. Us individual sellers. Now they made it easy for buyer abuse. Their should be an entire different section and policies for used and collectibles. Not bunched in with the chain stores as they tell me "you are just like Walmart" True quote from an ebay emplioyee.
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‎04-06-2016 06:13 AM
Re: If I refuse to go with the 30 day return and I was a top rated seller what will I be then??
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‎04-06-2016 06:19 AM
Re: If I refuse to go with the 30 day return and I was a top rated seller what will I be then??
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‎04-06-2016 06:27 AM
Well stated the difference between new merchandise sellers and antique /collectible sellers. It seems like lately there have been a lot of incredibly petty careless buyers people who don't read descriptions or ask questions. If you are asking questions about condition after a sale and it's paid for you are being really CARELESS . If you are such a picky buyer the Internet is not for you support your local antiques shop or antiques show where you can touch, try on, evaluate for condition before you buy. It is important to note that almost all antique shops and consignment shops have a FINAL SALE policy. There is a big difference between selling a 100 year old item and something made last week. When a box store sells out of an item they get on the phone and order as many more identical replacements as needed. I have sold items that I will likely never find again in my life. Here is a true and unfortunate story about selling. I sold a 150 year old piece of jewelry to a Civil War reenactor or who wore for for some time and when she no longer needed it for her costume returned it. She was unfortunately stupid enough to tell me what she had intended to do with the item before she paid for it. How many times did she wear it, was the condition compromised in some way, and how easy would it have been all along to just sell it to someone else?
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‎04-06-2016 07:05 AM
The problem with the returns policy that eBay created is that its either "all or none". That policy creates issues for most sellers, specifically those in sensative categories like Jewelry, Clothing etc.
eBay is well known for being a "buy it, use it and then return it" platform. Talk to people "in the street" - they know it, its all over Youtube, its in forums - its like a cancer. "Just claim SNAD and your as good as gold".
eBay TRIED to fix parts of the Returns policy, but only did 1/2 a job (way to go eBay) with the last Seller Downdate.
The nonsence that "if you accept returns, you have to take back ANYTHING in ANY shape or condition" wasnt changed and is the single WORSE part of selling on eBay (lets skip the listing manipulations issues ATM - thats not the topic here).
eBay allows, condones and could care less about people returning other items then what was purchased (has happened to me a few times), the same item with a different serial number (couldnt return it to where I got it since it wasnt the one they sold me), and most returns came back used - and I sell NIB items.
I could only take so many losses before I went to "No Returns" (which yes we all know means nothing).
Id love to go back to at least doing 14 day returns, but once again - eBay has proven their dislike for sellers with this type of policy.
In a dispute - who would you believe ..? Me - a seller since 1998, one whos a TRS, one who has a %100 feedback record for over 3 yrs (before that %99) or a guy from Idaho with a 6 feedback whos been on eBay for 2 months?
Its that kind of BS that causes good sellers to go MAD. Im not interested in hurting my customers - I live off eBay/Amazon - I want them to come back, I NEED them to come back. I provide good service (same day shipping), answer all questions as fast as possible and have 25+ yrs experience in retial - yet Im treated like a $2 crook when an issue arrises. SAD eBay SAD.
I suspect that majority on here are just like me (or Im just like them). Yes there are bad sellers, but eBay - go use some of your 32,000 employees to deal with those issues/people and leave the rest of us ALONE.
eBay is good with the stick "do XXX or else you loose YYY" .... its no wonder the stock never gets to $30 or beyond - NO ONE believes in them. Im a sellers since 1998 and I dont .... so besides Mr Griff - who does?
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10:48 PM
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03:53 PM
I agreed.. I just got off the phone with feebay trying to settle a return issue.. Buyer bought wrong item tried to use it and damaged it but claimed it was new.. Ebay rep said OH WELL That's the cost of during business.. He flat out told me eBay would side with the buyer everytime.. He say "IF you ask eBay to step in YOU LOSE "..When I asked why did I take the time to submit 10 pictures that showed damage and Qouted ebay return policy "Not received in condition shipped.". He flat out told me "They can send a box of rocks back and you have to refund". Seller lied to me..Told me he didn't use it. I also have been on Ebay since 1999 100% Powerseller ..Sold Millions of $$ of items and I get no backup.. I asked for a list of ebay employees who sell on ebay so I can buy and "return a box of rocks".( Does anyone know if Ebay has a Selling Site) I am one of the lucky ones , I did well and will bow out gracefully.. Ebay was once fun. Now sales down 80-90%.. and no end in site. Good Luck to all the sellers who created this monster... I think another monster will come along ( Some disgruntled eBayer), and come up with a site that works for us Sellers How many of us would go there..( ALL) Ebay is not treating their longtime sellers or any sellers with respect.. Time to change careers or in my case I'm work 110% on getting a job @ RETIRE...
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‎05-15-2016 04:52 PM
This ne policy just sucks.