I don't have high percentage of returns, but every one hurts.There is an
article on Bloomberg today stating, in part;"Deluge of ReturnsManaging
returns is a critical issue for both landlords and retailers, and
e-commerce has only made it more complic...
I wish I could help you with that, I just don't know what SHOULD be
showing, how long it takes to take effect, if changing zip helps -
sorry. What I'm wondering is; why would it take you anything like an
hour? If I may ask - did you not use Bulk Edit...
baantiques - we all draw lines in the sand.I would have drawn a real
quick one as soon as 'buyer' purchased and wanted a delayed payment,
that is acceptable to me but definitely pushing it. (the moment for
negotiation over late-pay is before purchase...
hi Tina - if I'm reading you correctly a buyer bought this coat and then
tried to get a partial refund and keep the coat? Not good. I hope you
got the coat back? Are you going to relist it? Looking at the original
listing I see only one photo - is eB...
Had this little man for 15 days now. So smart! I could go on
forever!Don't know what he is but, as it doesn't matter, I'm happy. In
that 2 week time he's gained 1.4 lb., he is up to 6.9 lb now!He's had
his first shots, 2 baths, and worm meds. It's ha...