I have been on eBay for a long time as well. I normally sell 20 - 30
items a day (however lately this has decreased to around 10 per day). I
was also forced into the managed payments as well. At first I fought the
idea as I was upset that I could not...
Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! It's been driving me crazy. I know that once and a
while someone may "watch" an item without looking at the full listing
but there is now way there can be 15 "watchers" within a couple of days
without 1 "view"!! Problem is, as mo...
Yes, my sales have been down in general the last few months however
these past few days they were incredibly low. I know this only talks
about 07/01 however this past weekend was one of the worst I have had in
years. From Friday to Monday morning I n...