Actually, CDs still do sale. Along with cassettes, VHS and of course
vinyl. Certain genres sell better than others. You just got to know what
to look for and research. Music and movie fans that grew up in the 80s
and 90s are still very dedicated to c...
I too am curious about this so-called haunted item. I thought at first
maybe a Ouija board? Then I decided to take a troll and look at your
completed listings. I assume it is the Ed Gein lamp skull? I like spooky
things, some even consider me spooky....
+1 Dymo LabelWriter 4XL... when I was looking for a shipping label
printer (tired of those trips to Office Depot), I came across this one.
It had the best rating and reviews. It is also easy to setup and print.
Doing your shipping at home and owning ...
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately I can't seem to make it to the
last 'free listing'. 200 free listing is overly enough for me at the
moment. But hopefully one day I'll be able to make it to the 200th last
free listing. I think when I have that ...
Not sure if I understand the question correctly. I don't know about
anyone else... but I count my profit after Ebay fees, item cost and
sometimes time I have in the listing. You can search for the term 'ebay
calculator' on Google. A Ebay calculator w...