Another back door attempt to take my money ebay You doubled the price
for shipping because I put 3lbs when it weight was 2.8lbs it says right
there to put the higher amount you tell me to do it in the instructions
Please keep your excuses to yourself. Full time eBay seller for several
years most months seller fees amount to more than my rent. I need
someone from eBay to contact me asap or a phone number that actually
works where I can get service not excuses.
dieselhead is the most professional ebay seller i've bought from. I've
bought thousands of dollars worth of tools and not once had a late
shipment, half the time the stuff is overnighted he actually has amazing
fulfillment. As ebay seller's you shoul...
Ebay needs to fix this I been paying them 10s of thousands in fees for
the last 5 years you guys can be straight up with me about my money I
called 3 times in 5 years and twice it was because of this double refund
**bleep** and your customer service ...