*Please note that this does not block sellers from watching your items.
If you send an out an offer they can accept and let it just sit. For
some reason it overrides the block with buyer with strikes. I just had a
buyer with 30+ non-payments (I read ...
This scam just happened to me. A buyer (who also sells DVD / Blu-rays)
purchased a brand new Blu-ray from me for $7.95 and a week later sends
me the following message. "Hi sweetie I received your item and I was
very disappointed because the item insi...
What if I offer free shipping? I download this annual report my shipping
column is $0.00. How do I get an annual report of all the shipping I
paid for out of pocket through eBay shipping program (USPS/FedEx/ETC.)
When I go to shipping labels I can on...