As far as now selling on eBay.... Small-time sellers with few items here
and there can't sell on Amazon. I looked into a while ago and I remember
thinking it's a no can do for us small time guys. Where do we go. eBay
does NEED competition. Good compe...
I get this with them. You pay for your item, they quickly take the money
through PayPal. After a couple days Or longer sometimes you contact them
to find out Oh it's not in stock, we'll refund your money if you want,
or you can buy something else! So...
I have had the same thing happen to me. Yet in one of my cases, they
sent me an Affidavit to sign and return, I did. After weeks of going
through this, they had "no record" of my returning the Affiavit altho I
hit reply as requested and returned it. ...