I get pop-up stating store using substantial memory, makes store operate
in super slow motion, evidently storing "everything" even though I clear
history after every use. I'm almost computer illiterate, evidently don't
know how to clear everything I ...
Ebay store working dead dead slow. Message pops up saying "this web page
is using significant memory". I am not literate enough to know what the
problem is or how to remove it. Evidently ebay storing everything I ever
looked up, bought, conversations...
When I click on "buy" a blue box appears surrounding buy area, then I
can not proceed with the purchase. Automated help merely tell me to
check my payment set-up, it is intact.
I buy and sell on ebay constantly, tried to make two purchases today, a
pop-up gave me option to buy Allstate Protection Plan, I checked "no
thanks", then was given no option to make the purchase- - -what am I
missing here ???
Used different browsers, and everything else ebay has instructed me to
try, three conversations with ebay personnel on this subject so far.
They did get me back to the point where the "delete listing" does drop
down, but then when clicked-on, item st...